Stop Smoking Forever! – Version 5.0

Stop Smoking Forever! - Version 5.0

Stop Smoking Forever! - Version 5.0

Stop Smoking Forever! – Version 5.0

Stop Smoking Forever Version 5.0 is the first program to ever be released built in 5th Generation subliminal build technology. It was originally supposed to be released at $500.00 a copy, but I decided to release it at this introductory price for the time being instead. How long will it remain at this price? I haven’t decided.

5th Generation subliminal build technology was specifically created and designed to deal with the most difficult subjects you can use a subliminal for, with smoking cessation being one of them. While Version 4.0 works well for most people (and is still available, for a limited time), Version 5.0 was designed and created to deal successfully with even the most difficult and resistant cases, all while making it absolutely effortless to quit. Yes, that’s right – I said effortless.
This new build technology makes use of some recent breakthroughs in my research and experimentation into how the brain, mind and body work and interact with subliminal suggestions. It also takes advantage of some extremely important breakthroughs arising from my research and experimentation into what the subconscious mind can actually do, as compared to what is commonly believed to be possible. To say that the results of that research stunned me would be an understatement; I literally could not believe my eyes for the first three weeks of experimenting. But the results held, and have shown their worth. The results speak for themselves. 5th Generation subliminal build technology isn’t just the most powerful and effective subliminal build technology in the entire world – it is literally the most powerful, effective and advanced subliminal build and scripting technology possible.
So what makes this the most powerful, effective and advanced subliminal build and scripting technology possible? The fact that it can literally scale to any level of power, and in fact can scale far past the limits of the human nervous system to actually be able to handle. This program is therefore designed not just to be safe, effective and useful, but to function at the very limits of peak effectiveness for the human nervous system. In other words, if I made it any more powerful than it is, your body could not handle such massive data inputs well, and the results would actually begin to deteriorate, instead of improving further.
To give you some idea how truly powerful this program is, consider the average subliminal you can buy elsewhere to be the standard, and as such, it would be 1x power. By this measurement, my 1st Gen programs were 1x. 2nd Gen was 3x. 3rd Gen was 7x. 4th Gen is 14x. And 5th Generation? 5th Generation is a nearly unimaginable 128x! Yes, that’s right – it’s one hundred twenty-eight times more powerful than the average subliminal anyone else offers. 5th Generation build technology isn’t just unmatched in power… it’s literally miles beyond anything else on the market. There is simply no comparison! It’s more than nine times more powerful than even the famous mind-bendingly powerful 4th Generation build technology! I was actually worried that it might not be safe to make programs this powerful, at first.

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