Products From Thin Air – Plus Bonuses

Products From Thin Air - Plus Bonuses

Products From Thin Air - Plus Bonuses

Products From Thin Air – Plus Bonuses

How to Create High Value and Unique information products From Thin air by interviewing experts

cd-image-smLet me tell you a story.

Denise Beins and I chatted one morning over Skype about what we learned about creating an information product in a really hot niche – the public speaking niche. This niche is evergreen, and tons of tons of money changes hands in this niche.

We created an information product on public speaking, which you can see here –

During our conversation, I turned on the record button, and what we got on that recording is pure gold. We didn’t hold anything back.

During this call, we tell you the exact system that we used to create an comprehensive and content heavy information product by interviewing 16 different experts.

In this freewheeling discussion, we opened up with each other, and shared the process of making “Products From Thin Air” including:

how we discovered the niche,
how we found the experts,
how we leveraged the contacts we already had into getting more expert interviews,
how we contacted them and set up interviews,
how we recorded those interviews,
what we did with the audio files, and
we even share with you the free software tools that we used.
Introduction to “Products From Thin Air”

In this audio call, we give you a “behind the scenes” view at the exact formula we used to create an information product that currently sells for $192.95 and contains 7 hours and 29 minutes of expert audios and 148 pages of text. And what is really incredible is that we didn’t write write or create any of the content!

Our unique system includes:

Niche research – What two things you must look for in a niche in order to create a successful information product.
How to find experts on any niche by using the world’s largest on-line bookstore.
How to leverage your social network and find experts in your chosen niche all around you
How we created 148 pages of text and yet we never wrote a single word.
The 4 tools that you absolutely must have to create information products out of thin air – and they are absolutely free!
How to get past an expert’s gatekeeper such as a Virtual Assistant – it’s easier than you think.
Why the more successful and well known an expert is, the more they want to talk to you!
The free plugin to Skype that allows you to record any conversation on Skype into an mp3 information product.
Why you shouldn’t waste your time trying to cleanup audio recordings and where to go for technical help – for less than the cost of a burger at Carl’s Jr.
And much, much more!

I want you to be a customer for life. What better way to get you a really killer deal? That will make you much more likely to consider purchasing future products that I plan on releasing.

But to bribe you even more….

5 Product Creation Interviews – Their Secrets Are Spilled

Using these exact strategies, I managed to corral five big time internet marketers, who are well known for their ability to pump out popular and lucrative information products seemingly on demand, and was able to get them to talk about creating information products.

I wanted to know their secrets.

How do they do it? How do they even know what is going to sell before spending time and money? How do they keep so prolific unleashing product after product that everyone wants?

How can I do the same?

As they talked, they told me their secrets. And I recorded these secrets.

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