Zen Master – Google Local Plus

Zen Master – Google Local Plus

Zen Master – Google Local Plus

Zen Master – Google Local Plus

Name Product: Zen Master – Google Local Plus

Sale Page: http://localpluszenmaster.com/

Price: $67

Over the years the Zen Master has seen Google make a lot of changes. He remembers when the Panda came along, it wasn’t 24 hours and the tears flowed on internet marketing forums and Facebook groups! My clients site lost rankings! Boo Hoo Hoo!

What happened next? The very next day opportunistic product vendors started releasing courses and even services to combat that Panda, but not the Zen Master!

penguinGuess who Google unleashed next? That pesky Penguin showed up and it was his mission in life was to smack you for over optimized anchor text back links, sending you spiraling downwards in the rankings.

Remember, it’s been taught for a long time how important those anchor text back links are to ranking on the Google? It was even more important to make sure those back links where anchored with the main keyword phrase you were aiming to rank for. This is when the term “Offsite over optimization“ was coined. Not so much any longer. Once again the tears flowed like rivers and you guessed it, services popped up and products were released.

[img]http://filetut.com/images/d.png[/img] [code] http://filetut.com/pn303agil5wu/localpluszenmaster.rar.html
[/code] [b][color=red]***If the link is dead please sent mail to me, I will re-upload immediately***[/color][/b] Support Mail:[code][email protected][/code]

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