World Intuition Summit phase 1 – Harrison Klein

World Intuition Summit phase 1 - Harrison Klein

World Intuition Summit phase 1 – Harrison Klein

Upgrade Your Life with the World Intuition Summit
From the desk of: Harrison Klein
Dear Truth Seeker,
I want to truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining the World Intuition Summit teleseminar series. We’ve managed to secure interviews with some of the worlds top leaders in the psychic and consciousness communities. I’ve dedicated my life to studying all aspects of human consciousness and psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, mind travel, channeling, intuition, and dozens of others. I’ve become one of the world’s most recognized and respected transformational luminaries.
But After Over 20 Years Of Working With The “Giants” In Human Ability,
I Came To A Disturbing Conclusion…
As I began exploring the superstars of the psychic community… and the superstars of the consciousness community… I came across something that deeply disturbed me.
They didn’t know each other!
• My good friends in the consciousness community didn’t know or understand the principles of the psychic community.
• My good friends in the psychic community didn’t know or understand the principles of the consciousness community.
Considering the PROFOUND benefits achieved by combining these two areas, I had an instant AHA moment. Take yourself back to the 60’s and 70’s. In that time, in the music industry there was an amazing fusion of Jazz and Rock. Of Soul and Gospel. Rock fused with soul, classical, country and more. These famous fusions created some of the best, most inspiring music the world has ever known. Now… it’s our turn to make our own fusion. The fusion between psychic abilities and human consciousness. Because the fact is…

Language Is The Only Separation… The Energy Is The Same!
There is no difference in the energy that helps access psychic powers versus the powers you can achieve with a higher state of human consciousness. The only difference is the language that separates them. The strategies and principles that show you how to access and generate abilities very few people on Earth have the privilege of knowing and exploring. That’s why my new mission is to help synchronize these two amazing abilities together by bringing you THE most highly recognized and respected leaders in each of these fields. You’ll gain access to unique, powerful information and strategies never revealed before to the public… because nobody has ever fused these two aspects of human energy before.
The World’s FIRST-EVER Fusion of Consciousness, Psychic Intuitive Abilities,
and Evidence-Based Research…
Were Fusing Psychic Intuition with Consciousness
Expand your mind and superhuman abilities as you learn from the world’s
leading experts to achieve new quantum leaps in your life…
It is truly an historic event which has never been done before, and I’m so glad you’re part of it. Experience this breakthrough information on multiple levels, and integrate this life-changing information into your daily routine and experience the dramatic impacts it can (and will) have on you.
If you are truly serious about tapping into your dormant extrasensory powers and upgrading your intuitive, physical, spiritual and emotional life to an entirely new level… you’ll be excited to know that we’ve developed a new presentation method. This new presentation method gives you the full experience and includes many new and exciting opportunities to take your education to the next level.
You’ll get uninhibited access to the interviews so you can listen to the recordings anywhere, at any time, on any device you want! Many of our students listen to our teachings at the gym, while out walking, or even when they are trying to escape from the kids! This is the perfect transformational add-on experience for busy people.
The 1st Ever World Intuition Summit is the Fastest Path to Fusing Your Psychic Intuition
and Consciousness Powers… Backed by Hard Scientific, Evidence-Based Research!
THE WORLD INTUITION SUMMIT will help you bridge the gap between psychic abilities and human consciousness. You’ll be one of the few people on Earth who understands exactly what you need to do to synchronize these two aspects of the human experience. This has never been done before at any event or in any course in the world. It’s time to learn from REAL eagles, sages, saints, prophets, visionaries and see-ers. It’s time to finally find that global community of truth seekers and see-ers just like you.
With this Intuition World Summit Phase One Sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to…
• Activate, strengthen and command your psychic and human consciousness abilities…
• Collaborate with hundreds of like-minded friends, mentors and new connections…
• Discover how to use your intuition to grow personally, spiritually, psychically and emotionally…
• Feel a sense of oneness and belonging with hundreds of others throughout the world…
• Unleash the powers that are already inside you, waiting to be let out!
• Gain privy access to the newest evidence-based hard scientific research proving that these “extra” senses and powers
are not just real, but more important in life than we’ve ever known…

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