WordPress For Designers in 18 days Complete Series

WordPress For Designers in 18 days Complete Series

WordPress For Designers in 18 days Complete Series

WordPress For Designers in 18 days Complete Series

Website: http://blog.themeforest.net/category/wordpress/

Author: themeforest
Size: 1.93 GB

If you want to get into the WordPress community, we’ve got a great way to start: the WordPress for Designers series, from the old Themeforest Blog. You’ll learn everything from installing the platform to slicing a PSD file and turning it into a complete theme.

WordPress For Designers in 18 days

The Complete Series:
Day 1: Installation
Day 2: The Admin Panel
Day 3: Creating a Theme from Scratch
Day 4: The WordPress Loop
Day 5: The Sidebar
Day 6: Single Pages
Day 7: Widgetize!
Day 8: Comments
Day 9: Tweaking the Comments
Day 10: Your First Plugin
Day 11: The PSD
Day 12: Slicing
Day 13: Theme Coding
Day 14: Home Page
Day 15: The Slider
Day 16: Custom Fields
Day 17: Slider
Day 18: Creating an AJAX Contact Form

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