Veit Schenk – WP Survey Snatcher Developers License

Veit Schenk – WP Survey Snatcher Developers License

Veit Schenk – WP Survey Snatcher Developers License

Name Product: Veit Schenk – WP Survey Snatcher Developers License

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Price: $297

Survey Snatcher is a quiz & survey plugin on steroids which helps increase engagement with your site, and let you do market-research on the fly. That is “on the surface” part. Underneath the surface, it does the sneaky ninja stuff of Andre Chaperon’s Auto-responder-madness which is taking the information the visitor provides in the survey, and funnel them into super-targeted email follow-up sequences. Basically, anyone who wants to engage people and get them onto their list and sell them stuff should have this Survey Snatcher.

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