The Outsource Profit Machine 2 + 1

Eric James - Facebook Shadow Boxing Club
[center] The Outsource Profit Machine 2 + 1

Price : 495$

The Outsource Profit Machine 2 is the sequel to the highly acclaimed Outsource Profit Machine (OPM) course. OPM 1 was groundbreaking — the Market Samurai team shared it with their community and it also became a part of Rich Schefren’s Profit Hacks launch.

Fast forward 12 or so months, and Pete Williams and David Jenyns got the team back together for a round two. This time, they invited a few more business owners from all around the world and some special guest speakers to cover a whole lot more outsourcing tips, secrets, tools and swipe content.

And because this was originally only ever going to be a closed mastermind-style workshop, Pete and Dave open up their Google Docs accounts, show the exact websites they抮e working on, the actual reports they use to manage their team and projects, and they reveal the exact job adverts and interview questions they use when hiring new team members, plus a ton more.

This isn抰 some esoteric course on any level. It抯 a very structured, behind-the-scenes, swipe-and-deploy set of systems and procedures you can implement today, no matter where you are in building your team. The workshop covered a bunch of sessions presented by Pete, Dave, and some special select guest speakers, mixed with very interactive questions and feedback from the elite online marketers that were in the room during the events.

Here are the session breakdowns:

Session 1: Stages of Entrepreneurship. In this important session for any entrepreneur, Dave Jenyns takes you through the 4 Stages of Entrepreneurship and how it directly applies to the type of outsourcing you need to be doing in each stage. After watching this session, you抣l be able to identify where you are right now in your entrepreneurial journey, and the exact steps you need to be taking today. (38:18)
Session 2: Types of Virtual Assistants. In his first guest presentation, Chris Ducker (founder and CEO of Virtual Staff Finder and the Live2Sell Group of Companies) clearly explains the different types of Virtual Assistants available, ensuring you don抰 get burnt hiring the wrong person for the wrong job. (35:03)
Session 3: OPM 2. For those coming to the outsourcing party a little late, this is a must-view session as Dave discusses 搘hat抯 new?in the world of outsourcing since our first workshop (Sessions 1-8 above) and what you need to be aware of to ensure you get the greatest results from your virtual team in 2013. (58:54)
Session 4: Swipe-and-Deploy Templates. This session will save you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars as Pete opens up his 憇wipe file?and gives you all the templates, job adverts, documents and more, which you can take and implement in your business straightaway. With the content here, you will no longer struggle to find the write document for the right job. Virtually all the systems are here for you to swipe and deploy. (33:53)
Session 5: Virtual Teams. Presented by one of the original workshop attendees, Jen Sheahan, you抣l see a live case study of an OPM student who has taken over the world. Discover Jen抯 triumphs and hurdles, as she took the information from the original workshop, mixed it with experience, and kicked major goals. (50:36)
Session 6: Tools and Tactics. In Pete抯 second session of Workshop 2, he shares all the latest online tools, apps and software he and the team are using right now to increase output, productivity and conversions. (29:54)
Session 7: Understanding Filipino Culture. Chris Ducker joins us again for this session to enlighten you on the true culture of Filipino team members. Discover everything about their culture, personalities, work habits and preferred management style. Don抰 even think about hiring a Filipino until you check out this session. (34:00)
Session 9: Q&A. In the final session of Workshop 2, we open the floor to the live attendees to answer and all of their questions, friction points and queries to leave no stone unturned. (47:44)

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