The Desire System – David Tian



The Desire System – David Tian (12 mpg, 4 mv4, 28 MP3, 4 pdf)
English | Size: 7.13 GB
Category: Seduction: Other

The Desire System, a home-based program that focuses on a psychological breakthrough called emotional contagion that allows men to transfer their

emotions to the woman they are interested in making them more empathetic, has caught the attention of GentlemensUniversity.coms Stan Stevenson,

prompting an investigative review.

Created by Dr. David Tian who is widely considered to be Asias top dating coach and is the founder of Aura, the worlds largest dating university,

The Desire System is a home-based program that includes many of the lessons that are taught at Aura, reports Stevenson. A very bare bones

sequence of videos which feature Dr. Tian lecturing in what appears to be a classroom set-up, the simple program doesn’t infringe on his right as

the creator to protect his material and sell it for gain.
The Desire System gives one access to four HD video seminars with Dr. Tian himself as a host. The core system gives offers all the essentials for

men to use the next time they go out so they can attract girls and sleep with them in the same night. There are also bonuses in the form of

advanced classes such as Lust, The Friends into Lovers, and The Endless Conversation course that allow them to tailor their approach to different

kinds of girls.
One of the great things we found during our Desire System review is the program is not about heavy social tactics. It combines the power of

mirror neurons with basic social approaches that are not only easy to remember but also important if you want to actually make use of it, says

Stevenson. The Desire System is more intellectual than other programs and is something that even beginners can pick up on. The program isn’t

overly complicated and is more of a simple habit that fits into everything else you would normally do. It also teaches you the value of being

emotionally honest, which is why you feel what you feel, and to be proactive in changing the anchor which causes you to feel the way you do.
The concept of honesty is a particular aspect of The Desire System that I found highly effective and perhaps, even groundbreaking. The program

does a good job of emphasizing the need to stop wasting energy trying to be confident. Instead, you learn that honest vulnerability is confidence

and power. Unlike other PUA dating systems in the market that rely as much as possible on social cues and responses, The Desire System is unique

in that it emphasizes on being emotionally honest and vulnerable and doesn’t require a certain amount of confidence to be able to apply whatever

you learn effectively. This makes it easier to recommend the program to beginners as well as men with more experience in the dating game. Its

also a pretty straightforward step-by-step system thats easy to follow. My verdict is that there are some truly game changing ideas in this


The Desire System is a collaboration between The Social Man and David Tian (aka as The Asian Rake), director of Aura Dating Academy.

It teaches men how to activate a woman’s emotions and make her feel pure desire. It is designed to make women feel how you feel (e.g., If you

like her then she will like you). It addresses how you feel and why you feel the way you do, in order to establish a mutual connection of desire

with a woman.

The system was originally recorded in March 2013 and was updated in 2014.

Bonuses include:

– Friends Into Lovers – methods for turning a female friend into a passionate lover
– The Complete Confidence Hypnosis – confidence building subliminal hypnosis
– Endless Conversations – Christian Hudson’s formula for an endless supply of conversation topics
– Way Of The Rake (14-day trial) – 8 month Aura Dating Academy course
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