Tag Archives: Body Intelligence Summit 2014 The Shift Network

Body Intelligence Summit 2014 The Shift Network

Body Intelligence Summit 2014 The Shift Network

Body Intelligence Summit 2014 The Shift Network We’ve all been raised in a disembodied world – sitting at awkward desks for far too many hours, squinting at screens, learning through our brains alone, and thinking of our bodies as machines to feed with fuel rather than exquisite works of art to savor. The result? We […]

Body Intelligence Summit 2014 The Shift Network

Body Intelligence Summit 2014 The Shift Network We’ve all been raised in a disembodied world – sitting at awkward desks for far too many hours, squinting at screens, learning through our brains alone, and thinking of our bodies as machines to feed with fuel rather than exquisite works of art to savor. The result? We […]