Starlight – Epsilon Frequency Brainwave Entrainment Meditation from Brainwave-Sync

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Starlight – Epsilon Frequency Brainwave Entrainment Meditation from Brainwave-Sync

Starlight – Epsilon Frequency Brainwave Entrainment Meditation from Brainwave-Sync

Author: Brainwave-Sync
Size: 431 MB
“Starlight” is Brainwave-Sync’s first CD recorded in the Epsilon frequency. Epsilon is the lowest available frequency for the human brain, and possesses many stimulating and profound effects. Many studies have reported on the ability of this frequency to give relief for headaches and other pain such as fibromyalgia. Whilst on the inner world, you can discover amazing states of consciousness, and experience deep moments of spiritual and personal insight!

Featuring two tracks, totalling 60 minutes. Each track will induce powerful epsilon stimulation.
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