Speed PPC V3 Training Videos

Demian Caceres – Tee Profits Recipe + OTO

Speed PPC V3 Training Videos

Speed PPC V3 Training Videos

Good news for PPC marketers! Version 3 of SpeedPPC has just been launched. And let me tell you, it’s simply superb.

Version 1 was an in house tool used by Allan Gardyne and Jay Stockwell in their own PPC marketing.

Version 2 was launched publicly last year – and received very strong reviews.

But they didn’t stop there. What I like about these guys is that they LISTEN. They’ve listened carefully to the feedback from hundreds of SpeedPPC users and they’ve produced a long list of fantastic new features which have made SpeedPPC 3 even better, even more useful for rolling out intelligently constructed, large, effective PPC campaigns incredibly fast.

As you probably know, really serious PPC marketers often create their own in house tools for launching highly effective PPC campaigns. Well, now you can get your hands on what was an in house PPC tool, and launch your own highly professional PPC campaigns. They can be HUGE campaigns, if you wish.

Much more important, though, is that SpeedPPC 3 is designed to make you launch accurate, EFFECTIVE campaigns with a solid ROI.

You know… super tight ad groups, dynamically matching keywords to ad groups, matching keywords to similar keywords on dynamically created landing pages, great Google Quality Scores, high converting campaigns… that sort of thing.

On the SpeedPPC private forum and by email, PPC marketers told Jay what they wanted, and he created the tool they asked for.

For example, you can create heaps of small, tightly focused ad groups. You can have just one keyword per ad group if you wish – in campaigns that are created at blistering speed. You can track every ad group and every keyword with surgical precision so you can quickly tweak your campaigns into profitability.

If you happen to be an affiliate, you’ll be delighted to know that this includes affiliate and CPA offers that you couldn’t normally track easily.

And I haven’t even mentioned the clever stuff you can do with datafeeds.

If you’re seriously into PPC marketing, you’ll be blown away by what you can do with SpeedPPC 3. You’re pretty much limited only by your imagination.

Even if you’re fairly new to PPC stuff, you should still check it out. Version 3 comes with 10 new training videos to get you up to speed fast. You even receive 15 landing page templates.

I must add the forum is fairly quiet. It looks as though most SpeedPPC users “get it” and don’t need help. No doubt, some give up. This is a sophisticated system which would be best for people who already understand AdWords, ad groups, landing pages, Quality Scores and so on. However, if you have problems, you can study the new training videos and ask questions on the private forum.

SpeedPPC is seriously useful. I recommend it for anyone who does PPC marketing.

The list of features and what you can do with SpeedPPC is far too long to list here. I’ve just scratched the surface.

I strongly recommend you stop doing PPC the OLD way.
Here are some details on what’s NEW in this launch. Yes, the campaign builder has gone through some dramatic evolutionary changes.

However, that’s not all. Almost everything about SpeedPPC has been improved. Check out the details below.

SpeedPPC Campaign Builder

This is the heart of the system. Here are some of the new features:

– Yahoo! Search Marketing Support
This was a hugely popular feature request. We’ve now made campaign building in YSM faster than was ever before possible.

– Advanced Ad Building
This feature is amazing. Simply feed in all your headlines, copy and display URL’s and SpeedPPC will build text ads that represent every variation of these. Talk about split testing!

– Ad Copying
Got ads that are similar to one another? Don’t re-write them any more, simply copy them from one box to another with the click of a button!

– Keyword Library
Use the same keyword lists over and again? No problems! Simply add them to the built-in keyword library.

– Cleaning Features
Ensure that your keywords are clean with new cleaning filters applied to your lists to ensure no nasty surprises.

– Improved Project Management
You can now see all your SpeedPPC projects under one campaign view no matter where they are stored on your computer.

– Multiple Campaigns at Once
You can now work on and build multiple campaigns at once. Talk about speed on speed!

– One Keyword Per Ad Group
It’s now possible to have one keyword per ad group creating a perfect relevancy chain. Amazing Quality Score results.

– Improved Interface
We’ve improved the interface yet again!

– Excel Output
Don’t just output in CSV format. Now output in Excel too!

– Keyword Counts
Instantly see how many keywords you have in each of your lists, as well as how many permutations will be built from them.

– Secret Feature!
A huge unannounced secret feature. 🙂

SpeedPPC Datafeed Landing Page Software
– Password Protection
– Bug Fixes
– Interface Improvements

SpeedPPC Training and Resources
– 10 New Training Videos
– Updated Guides
– Monthly Training Resources

New Bonuses
– Expansion Lists for 186 Countries
– 15 Professional Landing Page Templates

New Site
– Brand New Look and Feel
– 7 New Demo Videos
– 40 New Customer Testimonials
– Customer Map

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