Small Business Internet Marketing

Small Business Internet Marketing

Small Business Internet Marketing

Small Business Internet Marketing

Here’s what’s covered on the digital course:

Session 1. The exact step-by-step internet marketing strategies system we use with our clients, who pay thousands of dollars every month – with this information you can turn your website into a profit-making machine. (1hr and 14mins)
Session 2. How to improve your website’s conversion and have more of your prospects pick up the phone and place an order – don’t you want to know the secret? (35mins)
Session 3. How to turn on an instant flood of highly targeted leads to your website using Google Adwords – most people miss this and for the few that are doing it, they’re over spending. (45mins)
Session 4. Discover the search engine optimisation (SEO) method we use to get our clients #1 on Google for hundreds of keywords – this alone is worth the price of the entire package. (54mins)
Session 5. How to get your website #1 on Google Places and how to best use Twitter and Facebook – most businesses get this wrong, yet it’s absolutely critical for any small business. (44mins)
Session 6. How to use email automation to have your website selling 24 hours a day – it’s easier than you think and is guaranteed to reduce your workload. (30mins)
Session 7. The quickest and easiest way to become a market leader by using the power of publicity – make your business the name on everyone’s lips and have new clients beating a path to your door. (45mins)
Session 8. How to use video and YouTube to super charge your online marketing – this is one of the easiest ways to succeed online, yet most people don’t understand it. (48mins)

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