Scott Rewick – Media Mentors Unleashed Missing Parts

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Scott Rewick - Media Mentors Unleashed Missing Parts

Scott Rewick – Media Mentors Unleashed Missing Parts

INSTANTLY Drive MASSIVE Amounts of Traffic to Your Website,

Generating All the Leads and Sales Your Business Can Handle

Without Ever Buying Another PPC Ad From Google


Dear Marketing and Advertising Friend,

These days it is possible to make a FORTUNE buying online media buying and affiliate marketing in just a matter of hours. Similarly, you can LOSE a fortune in a matter of hours as well I’m here to make sure that you are NOT in the group that loses a fortune, and that you ARE in the group that makes as much money as you want.

Here’s how I know this…

Let me take you back to 2003. I’m at the helm of an underground online media buying giant. We are spending $200,000 per day. Money is coming and going so fast that my accounting group is pulling their hair out. Yahoo, MSN, AOL, I’m buying display based media everywhere.

In fact, I can’t buy anymore…

I’ve got teams of buyers, run by 20 something year old kids spending more money per day than they’ll make all year. We are running 100’s of campaigns concurrently, 1000’s of creatives. We don’t even have time for a Google PPC ad. I’m at the helm of one of the largest underground media buying teams around. The rush is undeniable.

Fast forward to 2010, and I continue to be amazed, astounded and perplexed at what I’m seeing. Virtual armies of 19 and 20 year old kids who have become one man media buying machines. They’ve long since abandoned the unfriendly reaches of Google and their anti affiliate stance, and have been taking home wheel barrows full of money, like $5000-$10,000 per day…profit. cashing in with Ad-Networks, Social Media and other more obscure ways to buy online media. Maybe you’ve heard about these guys or maybe you haven’t. Well, I know them.

I’m Scott Rewick, and I’m your $100M Media Buyer. I’m a 10 year industry veteran, I’m here to help you from losing your but, and offer you a lifeline….. If you are an online affiliate marketer, an online media-buyer, a small business owner…. your business is at risk.

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