Sam Bell – Internet Domination System

Sam Bell - Internet Domination System

Sam Bell - Internet Domination System

Sam Bell – Internet Domination System

Sam Bell is one of Internet Marketing’s best-kept secrets. Those who know him, however, know him to be a POWERHOUSE of information about all things pertaining to the Internet, even Internet domination!

Join me (Michael Craig) on Tuesday, March 29 at 6 pm (EDT) for 30 minutes of pure content and marketing revelations on Logical Soul Talk. Sam will talk a little about the turning points in his life, then share some real MEAT on how to dominate the Internet . . . even if you have limited Internet experience!

You can listen to the show online, or call our Hotline at (347) 843-4544 to listen by phone and/or raise your hand to join the conversation.

Sam Bell III is a native of Trenton New Jersey and studied Information Technology in college.  He currently makes his home in Atlanta.   Sam’s initial business venture was in network marketing at age 18 when he met his first mentor and also began helping others with their business ventures. Sam had a talent for both real estate and marketing, and built his businesses on this strong foundation.

Since he had help reaching his success, Sam firmly believes in giving back by becoming a mentor for others.  He is dedicated to continuing education and personal development, explaining how crucial these factors are to any success.

Sam’s company, Netmarket Resources LLC is the Internet marketing branch of all his businesses.   He has worked full-time in the real estate and Internet marketing since 2004 and currently produces real estate education products and services.  His current project, the Internet Domination System, is a way that “anyone,” he says, “with a little drive and ambition can be successful online.”

Join us on Tuesday to discover some really simple – yet effective – methods you can use NOW to launch your business using Sam’s Internet Domination System!
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