How to run a web design business and sell $15,000 websites by Dekker Fraser

How to run a web design business and sell $15,000 websites by Dekker Fraser

How to run a web design business and sell $15,000 websites by Dekker Fraser

How to run a web design business and sell $15,000 websites by Dekker Fraser

Learn how to run a web design business from the Marketing Director of a 13-year-old web design and marketing firm. The course begins with a discussion of how to position yourself to sell $15,000 websites. Then the course goes into details of the various mistakes web designers can avoid. The teacher recommends simple steps you can take to make sure your web design business is a success, including an overview of the computer programs you can use to run your web design business.

Among many things, you will learn how to:

Sell your websites for $15,000
Get more clients than you can handle
Grow your profits
Avoid key mistakes web designers make
Differentiate yourself from other web designers
Get government contracts
Be able to work less and get more done
Stay organized
Design your own website
Keep your web design clients satisfied
Use the best programs for web design management
Manage employees and contractors
Reduce your costs

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