Robert G. Allen – Multiple Streams of Internet Income

Robert G. Allen – Multiple Streams of Internet Income

Robert G. Allen – Multiple Streams of Internet Income

COST: $23
Author: Robert G. Allen
Size: 1.2 GB

Allen (Nothing Down: How To Buy Real Estate with Little or No Money Down; Multiple Streams of Income) has now moved on to espouse the web as the path to more wealth and personal freedom. The first third of the volume is simply hype. The middle third reviews marketing fundamentals as applied to the net material that one might find in any marketing text. The remainder devotes individual chapters to methods for making money on the Internet such as niche marketing, auto responders, selling links, placing ads on your web page, net auctions, and affiliations with companies who want access to your clients. Allen freely uses other individuals to explain concepts and, unlike many authors of this genre, gives them credit. The volume also has a reputable publisher, an author with a proven record of popularity, arguably less hyperbole than most, and a focus on marketing basics. Despite the ongoing shake-out in the high-tech arena, there is always an audience for get-rich-quick schemes, and Allen’s latest title is a cut above the rest of the Tony Robbins or Dave Del Dotto ilk. An acceptable public library purchase.

by Patrick J. Brunet, Western Wisconsin Tech Coll.

The fundamental example in this book is flawed. Mr. Allen set up an experiment to show that he could make $24,000 in 24 hours on the Internet. He actually did much better than that. Presumably, the purpose was to show you that anyone could. What he did was make a lot of special offers on products and services that he sells all the time to an e-mail list of 11,000 names he had been developing over the prior 9 months. In fact, he used four messages to the list to define the offer and to alert everyone it was coming. Now, if you were one of the most famous authors and investors in America and you gave special deals, couldn’t you sell over $24,000 worth in a day? But presumably you aren’t, so this book will be very valuable to all the other celebrity authors as an example, but not so much for you. The book does have a few examples of ordinary individuals succeeding on the Internet, but these examples don’t exactly scream out at me about how I can do the same.
The principles in the book are a distillation of almost every marketing guru who has published a book. In fact, there is so much Jay Abraham in the book that I wondered if Mr. Abraham might have ghost-written it (or at least commented extensively on it).

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