Professor Timothy Taylor – Unexpected Economics

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Professor Timothy Taylor - Unexpected Economics

Professor Timothy Taylor – Unexpected Economics

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Why are we choosing to have fewer children, even as we put more time into raising each one? Why are we so often willing to follow the herd and the opinions of strangers when making important decisions, even when those decisions are deeply personal? Why do people bother to vote in elections even when they believe
their vote can’t possibly influence the outcome?

Most surprising: Why are questions like these increasingly attracting the attention of economists?

Economics is a field most people think of as having to do with international trade balances, gross national products, unemployment projections, and other issues involving our own finances, our country’s, or the world’s. In recent decades, though, economists have been turning their lenses on issues well outside these traditional boundaries, focusing on one “unexpected” subject after another. They’re asking how we choose our spouses, for example, or why we select particular places to worship, or what goes into our decision to designate ourselves as organ donors on our driver’s licenses. Indeed, the latest thinking to come from the field of economics can offer us a fresh perspective on every area of life in which the interactions of personal choice, motivation, and perceived outcome—the very heart of economics—play essential roles.

The 24 fascinating lectures of Unexpected Economics will help you grasp as never before the ways in which these mechanisms for making choices operate even in areas in which you may never have considered the forces of economics to be at work. Delivered by acclaimed economist and popular Great Courses Professor Timothy Taylor—managing editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives, the most widely distributed journal of academic economics in the world—Unexpected Economics puts to rest the oft-quoted misconception of economics as “the dismal science.” Instead, you’ll take part in a wide-ranging and enjoyable investigation of how economic thinking—whether applied personally, nationally, or globally—relates to, and sheds fresh light on, just about everything.

Using findings from recent Nobel Prize winners and rapidly evolving leading-edge fields like behavioral economics, Professor Taylor looks at subjects ranging from discrimination and natural disasters to charity and risk-taking, and even whether terrorism can be considered a “career choice.” As you roam with him across this fascinating landscape, you’ll discover unique vantage points from which to survey and understand these exciting and vital territories being explored every day by economists. And you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the role of choice in your own life, whether choices you’ve made for yourself, or those made for you by leaders you’ve entrusted with that authority.

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