Planet Ocean – June 2010

Planet Ocean – June 2010

Planet Ocean – June 2010

Google Completes Its New Search Indexing System Dubbed “Caffeine”
Caffeine is now live, and Google’s new indexing system makes search results 50% fresher than the previous index, according to Google software engineer, Carrie Grimes. The new index will be updated continuously and globally, whereas the old index was updated piecemeal and only after analyzing the entire Internet – meaning the index was only updated every few weeks. With Caffeine in place, new websites and changes to existing ones will appear in Google search results faster than ever before. However, just how Caffeine will impact search engine optimization practices remains to be seen.

Bing Social Search Now Live, More Features Coming Soon
Not to be outdone, Bing announced Bing Social, “the first search experience integrating the full Facebook firehose with non-pages content.” The new social portion of the search engine will enable users to quickly search for updates to fan pages, publicly available status updates from individual Facebook users, and Tweets from Twitter. Sweet – now you can find out just how many teenage girls are obsessing over Justin Bieber at any given moment.

In other Bing news, the search engine is touting the late summer release of Bing Webmaster Tools for webmasters and SEO companies. You will be able to use the tools with most broswers. However, additional features will be available for users who have Microsoft Silverlight 4 installed. One of the tools, dubbed “Index Explorer,” will enable users to see all of the crawling and index data for their website. You will also have a greater ability to control what appears on the search engine results pages by blocking cache links, certain pages of the site, or even your entire website. For more details, check out this Bing Webmaster Central blog entry.

Yahoo! Integrates More Closely with Facebook
Yahoo! has now integrated Facebook into 15 of its websites. These sites include the Yahoo! homepage, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Sports, Flickr, omg!, Yahoo! TV, and Yahoo! Movies, among others. Now users of both Yahoo! and Facebook can link their accounts and then share updates across both sites. For example, users can see their Facebook news feed on the Yahoo! homepage, in Yahoo! Mail, and on other Yahoo! sites. With the integration, users can also “like” items directly from Yahoo! Sports and Yahoo! Finance and have them automatically added to their Facebook profiles. Yahoo! plans additional integrations with Facebook in the coming months.

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