Philip Mansour – Free Money Formula

Matt Schmitt - Physical Product System + OTO

Philip Mansour - Free Money Formula

Philip Mansour – Free Money Formula

Free Money Formula is a video-oriented internet marketing training and software program by Philip Mansour.  The main technique that Philip uses doesn’t have a name, so I will have to describe it.  Basically, it’s a combination of article marketing and CPA marketing.  You write say a 400-word article (can use PLR – see bottom or outsource) promoting a CPA offer where the reader inputs info like his or her name and e-mail to get more info.  You publish this to certain sites.  Other marketers who use your  article are required to keep your links intact.  Your article spreads like a viral Youtube video getting tons of free traffic with no more work required by you.  It’s perfect for newbies because you don’t need a website or make a sale in order to make money being that it uses CPA marketing.

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