Peter Parks & Andrew Fox – DNA Wealth Blueprint 2.0

Peter Parks & Andrew Fox – DNA Wealth Blueprint 2.0

Peter Parks & Andrew Fox - DNA Wealth Blueprint 2.0

Peter Parks & Andrew Fox – DNA Wealth Blueprint 2.0

Cost: $1997
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11 Month’s Ago… DNA Wealth Blueprint opened it’s doors to the public and changed the way the paid traffic game was played…For a limited time we have opened V 2.0

“How Regular People Learned From A $50 Million Per Year Paid Traffic Genius in 2014 To Generate Between $10,000 – $1 Million Plus Per Year”


DNA Wealth Blueprint 2.0 is an online course with over 34 modules created by Peter Parks showing how to use paid traffic, particularly Facebook to promote CPA offers mainly. However you can use paid traffic to promote Amazon, your own websites etc.
Peter spends over six figures (Yes $100,000+) a day on paid media and is easily one of the top guys in the world when it comes to paid traffic.

DNA Wealth Blueprint 2.0 isn’t a program filled with fluff, it’s been designed by two very high level online business owners who only care about results. Peter Parks and Andrew Fox run businesses that bring in 8-figures a year and they know how to help a business grow, expand and optimize their business.

There is a reason that Peter and Andrew charge businesses $50,000 for consulting and private mentoring because they know how to deliver. It is not just a Facebook advertising and product creation program, but a complete guide to running, growing, scaling, optimizing and outsourcing your businesses. The techniques in the program have been carefully designed to be very effective for building your business with Facebook and product releases.


Peter Parks & Andrew Fox - DNA Wealth Blueprint 2.0

Peter Parks & Andrew Fox – DNA Wealth Blueprint 2.0

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