OMG Machines – Project Juggernaut / Director´s Cut [Full Course]

OMG Machines – Project Juggernaut / Director´s Cut [Complete]

OMG Machines NHB 2015 Project Juggernaut

OMG Machines – Project Juggernaut / Director´s Cut [Full Courses]


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OMG NHB 2014: Project J
From the desk of Mike Long
Monday 6 PM
Nashville, TN

Hey there,

Mike Long here on behalf of myself, Greg Morrison and David Mills,

Oct 15th note: Registration for Project J is closed for the year! Click Here to examine our 200+ earnings reports page!

(Project Juggernaut will re-open in early 2015. To receive updates and notifications about OMGmachines, including our upcoming Live event, OMG Live, in Nashville, make sure to join our community email list, below.)

Listen, I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but I suggest you read this immediately…

…Because in the last year over 100 people from our small underground coaching community, most of them beginners and newbies, have gone from $0 to mid $4-figures or $5-figures PER MONTH. Read on, and you’ll even be exposed to video after video of individual members explaining how they reached $20,000 month in profit – more than most doctors make.

Becker Speaks Out on OMG NHB
Click through here to inspect this image.

      “The NHB Coaching Community is where I go to stay up to date with SEO”

– Alex Becker

Some, like Alex Becker, have even reached the neighborhood of $6-figures per month, similar to what each of my partners, David and Greg, and to what I myself pull in each month.

Here’s why – the OMG (One Man Gang) NHB (No Holds Barred) Project Juggernaut formula:

Over-the-shoulder Free Traffic Getting, plus over-the-shoulder Monetization, plus our positive and professional and private Facebook community, plus constant coaching support and training updates and acceleration webinars equals a uniquely life-changing advantage for you.

Here what that means:

When I was starting out with trying to build wealth on the internet, about 10 years ago, I just wanted one thing, but it was incredibly hard to find, at any price. What I wanted was to see it working for real, to see somebody who had a working business, and to see that business over their shoulder, and be able to ask them questions. I wanted to see how they were really getting their traffic (visitors to their web pages) and how they were converting those visitors into customers, and how much money they were really making.

You hear all sorts of claims, but I so desperately wanted the reality behind the claims. And I didn’t just want little pieces of reality, which could give me a very distorted picture of what was really going on and cause me to run off in all sorts of wrong and unproductive directions. Could even one person who was making money just show me what was really going on and answer some questions I might have about it?

Essentially, no.

I couldn’t buy that anywhere. They were selling packaged courses showing a sanitized version of things, like a collection of lessons that they thought would sound good. People selling these courses were, in many cases, really making some money, and they really knew some valuable things, but everything you could buy ended up being piecemeal and incomplete and so much of it contradicted other sources, much like trying to figure out from gurus what health food is really best to eat.

I ended up falling back on skills that helped me become popular in High School. I wasn’t like one of those bullies shown in high school movies, but I was good at bringing people together and having a wide circle of friends. For whatever reason, that ability comes naturally to me. Using it, I was able to get invited to really come to the actual homes and offices of successful internet money-getters, and see what they were really depositing each day into their bank accounts and see how the money was being made.

I saw how they got their web traffic, how they made their sales, and also they explained to me how they made or found products to sell or promote. I’ll forever be grateful to the handful of people who helped me in that way. I’m certain that those generous people shaved ten or twenty years off of how long, if ever, it would have otherwise taken me to succeed.

With their help, my success was nearly instantaneous. When you absolutely know that it is for real, and when you have seen how it all really works, it is like a switch flips inside of you, and everything is just so much easier and certain.

OMGMachines training and coaching, our No Holds Barred Project Juggernaut coaching club, is purely based on giving you what I just described above that made all of the difference for me.

It started with just us, just myself and Greg Morrison and David Mills, opening up our businesses and methods and training to you, and over the last two years, we’ve accumulated several more folks, from inside of our membership and our culture, not “gurus” from outside, who likewise have generously opened their businesses and methods to our community in what we call extra “modules” that have been added to our training.

We’ve accumulated hundreds of successful folks, despite the fact that we are underground guys with just hundreds of total members, not several thousands, because we prefer to remain moderate in size. Therefore, out of such a small group, having hundreds of success stories is beyond eye-popping. I’d hesitate to even let you know it was that many, given how unbelievable it can feel to people who are just hearing of us, but we have so many of them on video and audio, and they are all right inside of our wonderfully active private Facebook group community.

We also do something rather unique: we have this letter posted on a blog page with open comments, both facebook and normal comments, and dozens and dozens of our members have posted their thoughts there, as well.

Here are some stories of our real people:

We’ve got a woman who started by helping her local church get a little more visibility in the North Carolina town she lives in for a couple hundred dollars per month…and then she spread her wings adding more and more business…and in each of the last 2-months she’s made over $15,000 for a total of over $30,000!

Abby Speaks Out on OMG NHB
Click through here to inspect this image.
We’ve got a guy who’s a brand new daddy who just months ago was crawling around furnace hot attics in the middle of the scorching Phoenix Arizona Summer fixing AC units who promised himself he was going to finally stop living hand-to-mouth and turn everything around.

Fletch Before
Click through here to inspect this image.
Back then his 2-week pay-checks were $2 thousand some odd on a good week…and much less on a bad week…now his 2-week paychecks are in the $10,000 range for doing a mix of affiliate marketing and local client consulting.

Fletch Speaks Out on OMG NHB
Click through here to inspect this image.
We’ve got another guy who turned everything around from earlier this year where he was flat on his back and making $0 per day…zip, zilch, nada, nothing…to joining us and building his affiliate and CPA business first to $30/day…then $117/day…then $340/day…then $600/day…then $1,000 PER DAY!…

Jimmy Kelley Speaks Out on OMG NHB
Click through here to inspect this image.
But he didn’t stop there! For examples last month his CPA business pulled in $127,000! But that’s not all! He also started doing SEO for a few local businesses where he lives in Utah. His first client made him $1,500/month…a couple months later he was up to $10,000/month…and now, and I know this is crazy but last month he pulled in over $50,000 just from that part of his business.

Becker Speaks Out on OMG NHB
Click through here to inspect this image.
But what really convinces me that this “Coaching Club” works is a south Florida man who went belly-up during the housing bust… And had to start over from scratch… Who built himself up to $200/day, and then slammed the pedal to the metal…And he’s now sending the “big boys” in the cosmetics world, with their million dollar SEO Budgets sobbing home to mama. We’re talking DOMINATION of Real Google Search Engines to the tune of $10,000 some days…$25,000 other days…and as much as $50,000/day!

Tim Schmidt Speaks Out on OMG NHB
Click through here to inspect this image.
(Update! He’s just added an all new profit-stream of an additional $5,200/month in September, and $6,400 in October!)

Becker Speaks Out on OMG NHB
Click through here to inspect this image.
Introducing OMG NHB Fall/Winter 2014: Project Juggernaut

OMG NHB 2014: Project J
We provide:

  • $6-FIGURE PER MONTH COACHING! Weekly Coaching Office Hours Webinar with Greg Morrison, the guy I call the One Man Gang. While others are getting “coached” by $20/hour “coaches” hired off craigslist, or by clueless interns, Greg makes $6-figures per month doing hard core SEO in every market from health, to precious metals to relationship advice. He’s the guy personally answering your SEO questions on coaching Webinars. Office Hours coaching for this block extends through February!
  • $5-FIGURE PER MONTH FAST START OFFICE HOURS! Weekly money-getting coaching “office hours” with Fletch, who makes over $20,000 PER MONTH doing a mix of both Day Job Killer local client consulting AND affiliate marketing. (Weekly Office Hours coaching for this block extends through extends through February!)
  • SUPREMACY, DOMINATE, CONTROL Greg takes you carefully through his 3-part process for SEO Supremacy, Domination, and Control with careful step-by-step videos showing his entire method. Supremacy is his method for powerful targeted links, Domination adds Social Sites to the mix, wielding the awesome power of the world’s most powerful social sites like You Tube and Facebook and forcing them to do your bidding, and Control refers to having everything structured just right on your website itself for maximum SEO power.
  • MONEY-GETTING! Watch over-our-shoulder as we take you by the hand and lead you through proven Money-Getting websites and templates. Conversion is the science of turning more and more visitors to your OMG Machine website into customers and we’ve found that the more the merrier (or money-ier) when it comes to proven templates.
  • MONETIZATION! But before you even get started with your OMG Machine and ramping up your conversion numbers higher and higher you’re going to get yet another unstoppable advantage from our monetization training and guidance. Monetization is different than conversion…it’s choosing the HOW part of your OMG Machine making money, from Niches to Products. Monetization is a lucrative game of insider information. With us you become an instant insider.
  • KEYWORDS! Most trainings out there make keywords either too complicated…or they ignore them altogether. There’s a sweet spot and it allows you to move forward FAST. We help you understand what you need to know.
  • DAY JOB KILLER! DJK Local client consulting: This is what I call one of the two most powerful forms of Monetization that we’ve found for beginners, because you can start making big paychecks on day 1 even before you start ranking websites. We call it Day Job Killer because SO MAY OMG’ers have given their boss the middle-finger award because of it. And we’ve got tools, templates, training, role-playing videos and resources that nobody in the world has. Note: that even some of our most “shy” coaching community members are our most successful at this!
  • LAUNCH JACKING! Affiliate marketing on steroids. This is what I call the second of our two most powerful forms of Monetization that we’ve found for beginners because it turns the biggest challenges of affiliate marketing into huge strengths. What you do is rank for brand new products that are both easy to rank for and also easy to convert because of the frenzy surrounding new offers. From new online marketing training products to 3-D television sets and millions of new products in between. (Again Launch-Jacking is a game of insider info, and we give you that info, templates, keywords and more!)
  • AFFILIATE/CPA/ECOMMERCE! The boxer shorts on your couch dream made real because of the power of free traffic. This is very real and doable and happening right now for many of the folks in our coaching community. Each of these can be a GOLD MINE, if you know what you’re doing. Our rich templates and top-secret tricks will put you miles ahead of the competition.
  • SOFTWARE, NEWS, UPDATES + TEMPLATES! We have unique top-secret software that Greg Morrison personally developed for Search Engine Domination. We’ve also beaten vendors up for incredibly cheap or even free software and trials that are OMG NHB 2014: Project X exclusives. And you get the overwhelming benefit of email news and updates.
  • COMMUNITY! Our OMG NHB 2014: Project X Team Membership Group is a lifetime access over-the-top opportunity to share test results, networking, and triumphs with dozens of $5-figure per month earners, several $6-figure per month earners and a number of up-and-comers all with access to the same elite level training, software and support. Members rave that this alone is worth more than the price of admission.

This is the ONLY advantage that you’ll ever need to make a ton of money online, because it’s an unstoppable advantage.

One opportunity you’ve secured by getting this far is right now we’re giving you the opportunity right now to join our OMG Updates & News group. You’ll have to fill in your name and email below and go immediately to your email inbox to verify your membership and then return to this letter:

(Then make sure to whitelist emails from [email protected] and if you’re using gmail then move our emails into your primary email inbox and tell gmail that you always want our emails to appear there. Also make sure to permanently enable images with our emails because they contain valuable training and news images.)

Now a lot of people get excited about Search Engine Optimization, but they don’t know how to do it right, so they just fail miserably. And a lot of people stay away from Search Engine Optimization because they think it’s too complicated.

Myth: SEO Is Complicated
Because of this ‘mysterious aura’ surrounding Search Engine Optimization, a lot of people are going to keep away from it forever, including big companies that just don’t know any better.

That’s great for the smaller entrepreneur because you not only get to compete head to head against larger, better funded, more experienced competitors that might have hundreds or even thousands of employees…but you actually have an unfair advantage.

You’ll be using insider secrets and advantages to demolish big business competition.

That’s how strong Search Engine Optimization can be…when you know the secrets of doing it right.

I’ve introduced you to guys and gals that Greg, David and I have personally trained, and none of them were much different than you.

When they started out they didn’t know more than you. They didn’t have anything that made their situation easier.  They didn’t have a product that was any better than yours—most didn’t even have products.

Most people looking for ways to make money online have been seduced by the idea that it’s simple to do it quickly it’s pretty easy.

And guess what?

You Can Do It Right

Here’s the rundown on what you get with OMG NHB Fall/Winter 2014-2015: Project Juggernaut from Greg:

From the desk of Greg Morrison
Monday 6:30 PM
Wilmington, DE

Ok, if you’ve gotten this far, you are obviously serious and passionate about making online income, so I’m going to share something crazy with you that I have fully held back and not revealed in any way until now…

Ask yourself this: how could I have gotten over a million dollars from what Mike calls Day Job Killer (it sure killed my day job!) local client consulting in just one sub-niche? Is it because I managed to rank #1 for each main keyword in that niche? Not quite… if you think about it, the math doesn’t quite add up. So, what then?

Well, for hundreds of keywords, I actually rank for half or more of the entire first page of Google. Literally, 5 or more websites, ranked #1 and for several of the next slots after that, almost wiping all of the other competition off the screen entirely.

And it doesn’t stop with Day Job Killer local client consulting! Because my affiliate sites make waves too. I have one site that I started a couple months back…it went from nothing to $50/day…then $100/day…but then one of those Google updates hit, the Hummingbird update…

…That’s when it jumped to $200/day!

…And then not long after that the Penguin 2.1 update landed. The same exact day my affiliate site jumped up to $500 per day in profit.

Becker Speaks Out on OMG NHB
Click through here to inspect this image.

Now? It keeps going and going.

Today it’s between $800 and $1000 per day most days. Sometimes it’s as much as $2000.

Becker Speaks Out on OMG NHB 2014: Project J
Click through here to inspect this image.

That is how you get a secure income in the 6 figures per month.

Becker Speaks Out on OMG NHB
Click through here to inspect this image.

And that is what I’ll particularly guide you how to do in OMG NHB 2014: Project J. I think OMG NHB 2014: Project J is so successful with helping people get to the $5-figure per month and even $6-figure per month level because I think this coaching course “breaks all the rules” regarding the depth of training and personal access to me.

You can start out knowing nothing, or knowing a lot, and I’ll take you all the way to unparalleled SEO domination.

Not one bit of the training or support is done by any hired stand-in – it is all from myself, Fletch (our all-star student who now makes over $30,000 per month and who has a passion for helping others get to the next level) or from Mike Long.

I generally don’t encounter people who are able to keep up with me unless I’ve personally shown them the methods I use, but even if…

Even if your Project J coaching speeds your money getting up by just 3-6 months, it can be worth tends of thousands to you, hands down. Heck, you’ve seen my income numbers right off of my Pay Pal statements. If I could have had a course last year that sped me up by ONE DAY, it would have been worth two or three thousand dollars right there.

People ask me how to get clients, and I’ve revealed some successful strategies for doing so already in our training, but now you can see the real hammer blow. Imagine you have 5 of the listings for your city’s name plus the word ‘lawyer’, and maybe you also have the same domination for several sub-niches for your town as well, such as personal injury, divorce, contracts, etc.

Going by my own experience, I have to imagine that you would have a lot of income at that point. Having potential clients take you seriously wouldn’t exactly be a stumbling block.

Others ask me if it’s still possible to make good affiliate money with SEO. I’ve got one brand new site that makes on average over $1000 per day in commissions. And I actually reveal it in our training – including how I did it. And we have many more affiliate site and video examples from me, from Mike, and from members of our community adding up to thousands of dollars per day for you to use for guidance, inspiration and insight.

I’ll take a few moments to describe the Project J coaching course to you – what you can expect from me, and what I’d like to expect from you when you participate.

My goal, and my belief, is that you will look back 4 months from now and agree that this has been more valuable by far than a $250,000 college education, except it was about 50 times cheaper and 1/16th the time.

I’m going to do my best to explain very clearly everything I know about making money online, and my best is pretty good. The coaching will be focused on but not limited to getting free traffic through search engine optimization. I make good money with affiliate sites, and I make even more money than that by doing sites for clients.

In In Project J, I’ll provide a lot of structure for those who want it. To the extent you wish, you’ll be able to follow an exact step-by-step blueprint process with me for every step of creating a staple website, and then, in the second month, creating a domination website. And as you build one, you can build as many as you desire, with your confidence and skill growing every day.

I’ll lay out for you what you should do each week, such as by leading you carefully through the minefield of getting several different types of links into your website in just the right way at just the right time.

We’ll make sure right away that you know exactly how to achieve complete supremacy with search engine rankings.

Furthermore, I’ll consistently provide personal time with me, live. This will primarily take the form of live exclusive coaching webinars, not just once, but actually twice per month, for two hours a time, using GoToWebinar. Details will be posted in your membership area. (Office Hours coaching for this block extends through extends through February.)

Look we don’t drip feed anything. So you get access to the mother load right away.

And then we’re there to answer your questions for four months, three times a week. And you get lifetime access to our groups.

Please note! Nothing is stopping you from starting on and getting Search Engine Supremacy your first month…or even your first week! We don’t hold anything or anyone back! Because we want you to speed ahead at your own pace!

There will be a special email address to write in questions or topics you’d like me to expand on – it’s Mike Long’s personal email address.

(I cannot promise that Mike will be able to correspond infinitely. What we will do is to add teaching videos based on your requests, in every case where we have, or can find, the knowledge or the demonstration that is requested.)

There are going to be a several extras.

An exclusive Linked In group and our now legendary exclusive Facebook group for members to use to communicate with each other, as you may want to.

Mike Long and our partner David Mills will be demonstrating the basics of what they call “Red Carpet Conversion” to further help you make sales and build your website business.

I’ve also asked Mike to show you how to make videos for yourself, as that really helps these days and I find that people learn really fast how to do video well when they let Mike show them how.

But there’s even more. One of our top NHB’ers, Fletch, who you just met, has a knack for helping other NHB’ers and success of his own (to the tune of $20,000 per month). We thought it would be a great idea to get even more support involved. So we asked Fletch to be involved with office hours weekly. (Office Hours coaching for this block extends through February.)

And the response was totally overwhelming and on par with when Mike does a webinar or office hours, or when I do a webinar or office hours.

So we asked Fletch be be involved with Project J and we strongly hoped that we would accept. And fortunately he did! So you’ll be getting office hours with Flech on Money-Getting each week.

And we answer all of your questions. And provide recordings of the office hours for you to review.

Ok, so your OMG NHB 2014: Project J coaching course, isn’t $25,000. It isn’t even $10,000, although I absolutely expect you to look back 12 months from now, feeling so powerful and excited, and feel like it was priceless.

Space in this course is very limited because I am only one person and I refuse to pawn off coaching to some guy who makes $20 an hour.

Even though I feel that this coaching course is very inexpensive for what it gives, I very much recognize that it is still a significant investment of your hard earned money, and I take that very seriously.

In return, I ask that you be pleasant and positive with other members and with me. I’m devoting a lot of my own time to this, and space is very limited, so, similar to a University or other coaching programs, tuition is non- refundable. The online office hours and Linked In group participation are a privilege that it is very unlikely I will revoke for anybody, but, in extreme circumstances, I expressly reserve the right to block somebody if absolutely necessary.

I’ll live up to what I promised, you can count on that, but what you do with it is up to you. Once you find just one or two clients, or if you make a half way decent affiliate domination site, you can make up the tuition money very quickly – but that is up to you. I earn my money, but I can’t earn yours.

As long as you are fine with that, I welcome you with open arms, with gratitude, and with a passion for your success.

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