Money Mindfest hosted by Joe Vitale 2013

Money Mindfest hosted by Joe Vitale 2013

Money Mindfest hosted by Joe Vitale 2013

Money Mindfest hosted by Joe Vitale 2013


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Money, Success, and More

Why just want money when you can have it

Go beyond the Law of Attraction to the LAW OF CREATION and step into a world where opportunities manifest spontaneously. Joe Vitale, Paul Scheele, and Jack Canfield will help put more money in your pocket through these amazing audios. It’s your opportunity to shift from scarcity to abundance. Get it today.

The Secret to More Money for You

In short order, your life as you know it will change forever. In short order, you will be able to shrink time, dissolve space, and see things that are invisible to you right now. This is not a metaphor. You will look around and literally see the actual, concrete, material things you want. They’ll be right there in front of you. Close enough for you to reach out and grab with your own two hands. It’s real. It’s going to happen. And nothing will ever be the same for you again. Impossible? Only because you don’t know how to make it happen. Yet. But that’s about to change. If you’ll stay with me for a minute, I’ll prove to you that a profound transformation is not only possible, but under certain conditions, it is INEVITABLE. I won’t ask you to suspend your disbelief. This is an appeal to your logic and reason. And I won’t ask you to accept any outlandish ideas. Only the notion that there are some extremely powerful forces at work in the universe. And that you are one of them. As I said, stay with me. I promise you’ll be glad—no, make that ecstatic—that you did. Especially because what I’m offering you is free!

Get Ready to Ignite the Most Potent Force of All

My name is Joe Vitale. A few years ago, I was part of The Secret—the book and film that awakened the world to the Law of Attraction. That experience changed my life. I’ve watched it change the lives of millions of other people. It was, and still is, the most incredible thing I’ve ever been connected with. But after a while, a question began nagging at me. I couldn’t get it out of my head:

“Is the Law of Attraction as powerful as it gets…

or is there something even BIGGER?”

The Law of Attraction states that your unconscious desires and beliefs pull things into your life. Which means that those things already exist, right? What you want is “out there” somewhere. The only thing between it and you is distance. You start moving your desires across that distance when you correctly apply the Law of Attraction. And that’s fantastic.

But what if you could shorten that distance?
Better yet… what if you could eliminate it altogether and:
• align with the universe automatically… instead of working to make it happen.
• manifest your desires spontaneously… instead of thinking about it.
• get what you want immediately… instead of waiting for it to show up.

I knew it could be done. All the mechanics were in place in the universe. I just didn’t know how. To find the answer, I had to crisscross the globe, go places I’d never heard of, and seek out the wisdom of masters so hard to find, I began to doubt they really existed. It wasn’t easy. But it was so, so worth it. Turns out, my suspicions were right…

There Is Something Bigger. MUCH Bigger.

ANOTHER law. One I’ve never heard anyone talk about anywhere before. This law doesn’t take the place of the Law of Attraction. Just the opposite. It won’t work without it. But when you combine the two, you activate…

A Force That’s Like Attraction on STEROIDS

Here’s what I mean: With the Law of Attraction, the things you want start making their way toward you. When you add this OTHER law into the equation, the things you want ARRIVE. In more than 35 years, it’s the most remarkable thing I’ve ever experienced. A tool of unparalleled power. YOU need to experience it too. But before it can work for you, you need to make…

The ‘Exchange’ That Changes Everything

Paradigm is a word that’s thrown around a lot these days, not always accurately. Let’s set the record straight now. A paradigm isn’t just a way of thinking. Or believing. Or feeling. A paradigm is an entire way of being. Most people operate in a “scarcity paradigm.” When they look around, they see lack. Lack of money. Lack of time. Lack of love or health or happiness. You can be rich or poor and have a scarcity paradigm. You can be healthy or sick, in a relationship or alone. It makes no difference. Because in a scarcity paradigm, whatever you have is less than you want or need. And you don’t see a way to permanently fill the void. “There’s only so much to go around”… “It won’t last forever”… “I need to get my share”… phrases like these are dead giveaways of a scarcity paradigm at work. It’s not a situation-specific perspective. It’s a fundamental conviction that reverberates out into the universe and literally blinds you to the opportunities in your midst. Because a paradigm goes so much deeper than thoughts or even beliefs, you don’t “think” or “believe” your way out of your paradigm.

Actually… it’s much easier than that! What I learned from the masters I sought in my quest for answers is this:You can quickly and cleanly “exchange” your scarcity paradigm for its polar opposite: an ABUNDANCE PARADIGM, in which the things you lack become available to you… the things you need are presented to you… and what you had “not enough” of, you now have MORE than enough of.

The process by which this exchange occurs takes place on a deep unconscious level. You have to be guided through it. The steps are very, very specific. They must be executed with absolute precision. But when you make the exchange, everything around you, your entire reality, changes too. Right in that very moment. Things that didn’t seem to be there just moments before—a car you’ve always wanted to own, the amount of money you needed to afford a vacation or pay a bill, the perfect job opportunity—will suddenly be visible to you. It’s not a mind trick or a matter of attitude. Before, you were in a reality where those things were truly not available. Now, you’re in a different reality where they ARE available. And something else happens: By switching paradigms, you set off a kind of “trigger” that activates the law I mentioned earlier—the extraordinary LAW OF CREATION. With the Law of Creation in play, you not only see the abundance and opportunity that surrounds you. You’re able to TAKE it. Suddenly, you get immediate access to money, joy, health, love, success, and more.

Your Paradigm Will Shift in REAL TIME!

I take you through this reality-transforming shift free of charge during the Money Mindfest where you will move from the powerful Law of Attraction to the uber-powerful Law of Creation. My main focus in these six audio sessions presented over six days in October is on guiding you, step-by-step, through a series of extremely powerful techniques that will facilitate nothing less than a complete paradigm shift in you.

You’ll also learn:
• what to immediately do when you’re struck by an INSPIRATION.
• the easiest way to start the flow of MONEY into your life right now.
• the simple “trick” to changing your BODY for the better.
• how to identify and cease all actions that aren’t serving your HIGHEST GOOD.
• an effective way to neutralize a NEGATIVE THOUGHT the moment it arises.
• how to change the FUTURE by bringing all your attention to the present.

You Cannot Learn These Methods Anywhere Else

I traveled from Hawaii to Russia, from Poland to Peru, and further in my quest to discover what lay beyond the Law of Attraction. Every master I met instructed me in a different technique, working with me until I understood every intricacy of the subconscious process that was taking place. Each of these techniques is enormously powerful in its own right. Because each one targets and clears a specific building block of the scarcity paradigm. Together, though, they form a comprehensive system that will knock ALL of those blocks down, one by one—dismantling your paradigm of scarcity and replacing it with a paradigm that empowers you to see and receive all the abundance the universe contains.

Free Access to the Abundant Money Mindset

Have you ever listened to a Paraliminal? It’s a powerful experience where you put on headphones, close your eyes, and hear voices travel around your head (even inside of your skull). It’s a super-effective way to change your inner programming and direct your mind to respond to what you want. This breakthrough audio technology was created by my friend Paul Scheele of Learning Strategies. And during the Money Mindfest you will be able to listen to the popular Abundant Money Mindset Paraliminal session every day for free. It’s only around 20 minutes, and you can listen to it every night before bed and first thing in the morning to help clear away any blocks, fears, and hang-ups you have about money.

Jack Canfield joins you with Living the Law of Attraction

Paul Scheele and Jack Canfield put their brilliant minds together to create another Paraliminal called Living the Law of Attraction. It’s a perfect addition to the Money Mindfest, and you will be able to listen to it every day during the Money Mindfest. Jack, who you may know as the co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, was a fellow teacher with me in The Secret. He’s someone I listen to, and I’m very excited that he’s agreed to give you free access to his amazing Paraliminal.

Expect Miracles Because Here They Come

What exactly can you expect from the Money Mindfest once you shift into the Abundance Paradigm? That’s easy. What is “scarce” for you? What don’t you have “enough” of? What is missing from your life? What are you longing for? What do you need? That will show up once you step into abundance. And while I’ve been talking a lot about money, the truth is what you will learn from the Money Mindfest will work on anything from creating a new job to enhancing your relationship, from writing a book to building a new house. Anything! That’s what will show up once you step into abundance. The simple, incredible, beautiful truth of the universe is, everything you want and need is available to you.

And there is always enough. You can’t see it now. But you will see it soon. And you will be amazed. Get your audio collection now and join me for the Money Mindfest.

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