Michael Oliver – How To Have Fearless Conversations And Build Your Business Faster, Without Fear, Rejection Or Objections

Michael Oliver - How To Have Fearless Conversations And Build Your Business Faster, Without Fear, Rejection Or Objections

Michael Oliver – How To Have Fearless Conversations And Build Your Business Faster, Without Fear, Rejection Or Objections

Michael Oliver – How To Have Fearless Conversations…And Build Your Business Faster, Without Fear, Rejection Or objections! (Audiobook and Transcripts)

If you’re serious about wanting more customers or grow your team in your direct sales or network marketing business, and you’re…

•Worn out by the amount of rejection and resistance you’re getting…

•Frustrated with hearing the words “not interested”, “You’ve got to be joking?”, “I don’t have enough time”…?

It could be that without knowing it, you’re still using old sales techniques that aren’t working for you… techniques such as…

•Telling your story, or presenting your solution as soon as you can

•Trying to get someone to do something such as listen to a CD, watch a DVD or website presentation


•Overcoming objections

If any or all of these rings a bell for you, then you might simply be missing some fundamental skills… AUTHENTIC skills that will help you achieve the results you want by changing…

•What you’re thinking

•How you’re thinking

•What you’re saying/asking

•How you’re responding

Whether you are new to the industry, or a veteran looking to reinforce your skills on how to effectively connect with people –

Take a massive transformational leap forward, and…

Discover How To Apply The Inner And Outer Secrets

Of Attracting People To You… For Lasting Results

In an extraordinary TeleTraining/Coaching Audio Program I’ve created from live training programs, you can see, feel, hear and learn – FIRST HAND how to…

•Attract what you’re looking for

•Learn to use language that draws people to you… not resist you

•Know exactly what to ask and listen for that causes your potential partners to actually influence themselves to look at your opportunity

•Eliminate rejection and objections… without using mind games or mental tricks

•Know when to use your present “system” so that it works for both you AND your potential partner/customer

•Talk easily with anyone, anywhere, anytime… without anxiety or fear

•INSPIRE your potential partners/customers to motivate themselves to want to listen to you and take the next step

•Respond to people’s questions and concerns without “techniquing” them or creating resistance with “closing” or “objection handling” techniques (APPLY this one thing and it will alter your life and pay for the training!)

•Learn how to build instant rapport and be in control of the conversation (and well as yourself!) from the moment you introduce yourself. Guide the conversation to get you from A to B. (Discover what “B” is – it’s probably not what you think!)

•Discover how to get higher conversion ratios while talking with fewer people in less time

•Eliminate or significantly reduce your attrition when they join you


•Let your potential partner tell YOU what you need to say to help them join you

•Master the art of uncovering and exploring the real needs, wants and desires of your potential partners by using “real” world questioning and listening skills

•Develop the art and science of “asking the right types of questions at the right time”

•Learn WHY to ask 7 different types of questions and WHEN to ask them that will layout the red carpet for you

•Ask the one powerful question to help people see, hear and feel their needs more clearly so that they automatically INSPIRE themselves to look more closely at your solution

•Learn how to discern what is being “meant as well as what is being said” so that you know how to respond

•Discover the one critical listening ingredient that will relax or eliminate any defenses of everyone you talk with.

•Automatically have people listen to you

•Learn how to be conscious of your words so that they work for you and not against you

•Make a natural compelling presentation every time , by personalizing and explaining your business opportunity in a way that immediately attracts the other person to join you This audio program is for you… IF…

1.You’re COMMITTED to being a FEARLESS AUTHENTIC MASTER of conversation…

2.You’re COMMITTED and actively engaged in talking with people…

3.You’re COMMITTED and serious about wanting you and your business to grow

The DESIRE TO CHANGE your present situation and the commitment to do so is what it takes to achieve success. You’re looking for this in your potential partners… so why not start with yourself?

•Receive all the latest CUTTING EDGE Natural Selling concepts and language patterns. (This includes a streamlined version of the types of questions to ask and why you’re asking them, as well as what to listen for and how to respond)

•7.5 hours of training/coaching by me in digital format delivered by downloading the audios directly to your computer.

•4 individual coaching sessions plus a follow up Q & A session•Supporting material including transcripts, tips and exercises

Hear me role playing, interacting and coaching a group of Distributors with problems similar to your own so that you can hear and feel what it’s like and what to do


A Bonus audio of a 60 minute discussion between Fredric Lehrman and myself. (Fredric is the author of the well-known Nightingale-Conant Audio program, “Prosperity Consciousness”. His is the original teaching program that many of the current financial gurus used as the basis of their seminars).

An internationally-known Tai Chi teacher, Fredric calls Natural Selling – “The Tai Chi of Selling”;. Hear why, and what it means to you.

We will also talk about the “Inner Factors That Cause Outer Success” … how it will help strengthen your own professional and personal self-mastery and accelerate your business! It’s DEFINITELY something you will want to be part of.
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