Manuel Kraus – Building Self-Confidence: The Science of Self-Confidence

Ben Adkins – Ecomfinity

Manuel Kraus - Building Self-Confidence: The Science of Self-Confidence

Manuel Kraus – Building Self-Confidence: The Science of Self-Confidence

This course distills research from psychology and neuroscience from all over the world into lessons and steps that you can take to become more self-confident.

Become Self-Confident and Set Yourself Up for Success

Challenge self-doubts effectively
Understand and develop ‘growth mindsets’
Identify thinking errors and generate alternative beliefs
Manage feelings of anxiety
Lean into uncomfortable feelings
Use positive emotions to raise confidence
Use ‘tiny habits’ to build up confidence
Learn to leave your comfort zone
Use long-term strategies to improve confidence
Harness your social environment
Stop social comparison
Build a detailed confidence action plan

Get a full-fledged self-confidence course that covers every single factor that contributes self-confidence.

Self-confidence is an important factor for how far we get in life. Because self-confidence is part of you achieving your goals, reaching your dreams, creating the life you want. When you start building your self-confidence, you take one of the most important steps towards a successful and fulfilled life. In this course you’ll learn how to build self-confidence – based on the scientific research in psychology and neuroscience.

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