Made for Money with Gina Hussar

Made for Money with Gina Hussar

Made for Money with Gina Hussar

Made for Money with Gina Hussar


Natalie Ledwell
Natalie Ledwell is a bestselling author, speaker, host of The Inspiration Show and co-founder of Mind Movies. Natalie and her team have reached over 1.2 million people around the globe empowering them to use the same success principles she used to crawl out from under $120K of credit card debt to build a multi-million dollar company in 4 short years during the worst world economic crisis we have seen in our lifetime through online affiliate marketing.

Profound Energy Healer and Soul Activator Alicia Power delivers direct-from-Spirit education on ‘how’ to awaken step by step. Her own 34 years as spiritual adviser give her deep knowledge on the stages of soul awakening. As a former journalist, Alicia clearly communicates simple tips that change your life and help in your empowerment journey. Alicia is a consciousness thought leader, psychic researcher, a multi-media blogger, author of numerous on-line courses, training and products, regular tele-seminar leader, feature writer for lifestyle magazines, and inspirational speaker.

Christy Whitman is a New York Times Bestselling Author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How To Be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want!), CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching AcademyTM, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program, and creator of the Enlightened Kid Program. She has helped thousands of women and men around the world achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, and coaching sessions and products. Christy’s life-changing message reaches over 100,000 people a month and she has been seen on The Today Show, The Morning Show and The Marilyn Dennis Show in Canada.

Mara Glazer
Mara Glazer is a marketing and social media strategist, public speaker, and like many of her fans, followers, and friends, a highly successful woman entrepreneur. Known as the CUT THE CRAP COACH and GET MORE BUZZ STRATEGIST, Mara most excels at helping business owners all over the globe build incredible (+profitable) buzzworthy businesses fast! Mara started in her industry working alongside her father, Bill Glazer, at the company he founded, Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle (GKIC). She had access to the top training and Offline and Online Marketing Experts in the world.

Amber McLean
After 12 years in the corporate sales and marketing arena, creating campaigns for some of the world’s most famous brands, Amber decided to smash the shackles from her itchy feet and embark on the world of entrepreneurialism. Amber’s entrepreneurial marketing adventures went from walking the streets (5 months pregnant) letterbox dropping, to running highly successful global marketing campaigns in less than 2 years. Amber’s rocketing success project was her Naked Women’s Business mentoring program that was committed to Stripping Bare The Glitz, Glamour And Hype To Reveal In A Simple, Completely Transparent Fashion, What It Genuinely Takes A Woman In This Era, To Add $100,000 To Their Bottom Line, In 12 Months Or Less, Working 4 Days A Week.

Hemal Radia
Hemal Radia is the Author of “Find You, And You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction.” He is a world-renowned expert on Manifesting and Law of Attraction, a ‘Super’ Coach/Mentor, and an International Speaker. If you want to know about easily attracting more of what you want, you need to hear what this man has to say! Many say they never really understood the Law of Attraction and manifesting until they read his book and came across his material! Hemal has a very sizeable worldwide following, including on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, with numerous groups and pages devoted to him.

Peggy McColl
Peggy McColl is a New York Times Best Selling Author and an internationally recognized Speaker/Author/Mentor. She is a Speaker/ Author/Mentor and an expert in helping Authors, Entrepreneurs and Experts make money online and create international “best sellers”! Peggy help listeners realize success in whatever their chosen field, whether building a business, publishing a book or making money online. Peggy has earned the reputation for being the gold standard in on-line book marketing and promotion. Her successful marketing campaigns have been praised by authors and publishers and are on the cutting-edge of direct-to-consumer book promotion. They have resulted in the sales of thousands of books!

Maria Gamb
Maria Gamb is Founder and CEO of the coaching and training company NMS Communications focusing on value-based leadership, gender communications and team collaboration. As a former Executive, she spent more than twenty years in corporate America directing and managing successful businesses valued in excess of $100 million. Her invaluable global experiences lead her to write the Amazon best selling book “Healing the Corporate World.” Forbes magazine identified Maria Gamb as a new thought leader to follow and tapped her as a regular contributor addressing women in leadership. She has also been featured in Inc Magazine, Time Magazine, Wall Street Radio Network and the Women’s Media outlet.

Barb Wade
If you think you can’t make great money and live life on your terms, Barb Wade would like you to “think again”. Barb is a Business Coach and Mentor who specializes in teaching entrepreneurs how to make more money more easily while enjoying a business and lifestyle that reflects their priorities. But Barb knows all too well that too many self-employed professionals are working themselves to death in order to achieve the business success that’s going to allow them a wonderful life. That’s why she is dedicated to training her clients in the fastest and most strategic methods in business building so they can Be Wealthy, Live Fully, and Don’t Have To Settle. Barb is the creator of Turning Conversations Into Clients, The 6-Figure Entrepreneur Academy, and The Get To Yes Formula Training, among other programs.

Derek Rydall
Part of the new generation of spiritual visionaries and thought leaders, Derek Rydall is a best-selling author and the world’s #1 expert on the revolutionary Law of Emergence. He has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies (from American Express to Disney) in empowered leadership and communications, coached celebrities and media professionals (including Oscar and Emmy winners) on creating conscious entertainment, regularly writes for The Huffington Post, and has touched hundreds of thousands around the planet with his message on finding your path, living your purpose and making a powerful impact!

Joy Rodriguez
Joy Kamakamaewailani Rodriguez, Ph.D. (Natural Health), LMT, was born in England, but has called Hawaii home for over 25 years now. An Author, Life Passion Coach, Speaker, Spa Consultant and Licensed Massage Therapist, she is also, an Advanced “Law Of Attraction” Certified Practitioner (through Dr. Joe Vitale’s Global Sciences Foundation). She completed Bodywork training at: Holistic Centers Hawaii, Lomilomi Aloha/Hawaii Healing Arts College and Hands Towards Heaven. She has taught and still teaches Indigenous Marketing/Ethics to the Spa Industry, Life Passion/Abundance Classes, and Hawaiian Spirituality (Ho`oponopono and Huna); while, practicing bodywork and energy modalities like: Reiki, Reflexology, Swedish, Pranic Healing, Shiatsu, Deep Tissue, Lomilomi, and Hot Stone Therapies, for over 15 years.

Steve Jones
Imagine living the life you deserve to live! A life in which YOU have unlimited wealth, focus, and confidence. You see endless, exciting possibilities and you feel so good about it. Dr. Steve G. Jones, Ed.D. has devoted his life to making sure you achieve this goal easily. Steve is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who has been practicing hypnotherapy since the 1980s. He is the author of 25 books on such topics as hypnosis, the law of attraction and weight loss. Steve has also created over 9,000 hypnosis audio recordings and 22 different online certification programs. Steve is regularly called upon by sales teams to boost salesperson motivation. His straightforward techniques have significantly and consistently increased sales. He also works extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best. He has been featured on Bravo’s Millionaire Matchmaker and has been interviewed on CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS.

Marie Claire Carlyle
Marie-Claire Carlyle is author of the Hay House best seller “How to Become a Money Magnet” and its sequel “Money Magnet Mindset”. Marie-Claire has spent most of her working life coaching people to achieve 6 figure plus incomes and her first book is based on the groundbreaking one day Money Magnet workshop that she created back in 2006. As one of the UK’s top leading Life coaches, she now only works with a handful of private coaching clients but remains a passionate sponsor of financial freedom.

Elaine Wellman
Elaine Wellman helps emerging and want-to-be entrepreneurs turn their passion into profit. She guides clients to discover their values, strengths and most inner desires, connect them to a profitable niche and navigate the key mindset and marketing elements required for quick success. Elaine is a member of the International Coach Federation, a graduate of the prestigious Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, an expert for Life*Business*Growth and a contributor to Soul Woman e-magazine. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of Louisville. You can find her at

Vinca Heart
Vinca Heart is on a mission to empower women around the world with the tools and a proven system to create wealth, one money code at a time. She challenges and empowers women to show up, stand up, and succeed in high end sales conversations and in their lives. Her Money Codes™ unlocks the power to create lasting influence and results for all those who apply its principles to their advantage. A-List celebrities, Grammy and Tony winners, and entrepreneurs serious about creating sustainable, thriving businesses and big impact for themselves and the world are among the clients she serves through her 7-figure global business coaching practice.

Liz Green
Liz quit her Senior Management role in corporate back in 2009 to embark upon a heart opening journey of discovery into the magic of the Universe. After learning about the Law of Attraction via a book called The Secret, Liz thought she could simply ask the Universe and all her dreams and desires would quickly and easily manifest. The Universe had other plans. After being diagnosed with Menieres Disease, it was clear there was a deeper level of understanding, feeling and emotion to connect with. Liz has spent the last 4 years following the synchronicities and serendipities ~ The “Universal Breadcrumbs” and nudges along the way, whilst sharing her journey on her YouTube Video Diary. She says “if I can do it you can do it, too.” She became known around the world as Liz Green the Law of Attraction Queen, having over a million views across her 2 YouTube channels, winning the Women Inspiring Women Award for shining online and being crowned The Queen of Happiness in the newspapers.

Russ Whitney
Russ Whitney is the epitome of the American Dream: he overcame a difficult childhood and went on to build a solid, successful life as a family man, civic leader, philanthropist, best-selling author, mentor and businessperson. Even as he pursued his legendary business successes, Russ never neglected the priorities of family, faith and friends. He says his three children (now adults) and granddaughter are his most meaningful achievement and are always a motivating force in his life. Russ’ latest venture, Inner Voice™, grew out of his own personal search for the true meaning of life and our reason for being. After five years of research and study, Russ introduced Inner Voice to a worldwide audience. Today, Russ’ private quest has evolved into a very public, rapidly-growing, always-evolving on- and off-line community and is now becoming a way of life for members around the world. He says Inner Voice is the most important discovery of his career.

David Tyreman
David Tyreman is the founder of the World Famous Company, specializing in on-line brand identity systems and brand mentoring programs. David is also a professional speaker specializing in brand identity for business and personal brands; his presentations are specifically designed to help members identify how to stand apart in any market. David came to the United States from England in 1988 and created his own world famous $20M brand from scratch. He has helped brand some of the most successful companies on the planet including Polo Ralph Lauren, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, Land Rover and Disney and has been speaking, training and mentoring on brand identity for over 12 years. He is a best selling and award-winning author: His book WORLD FAMOUS: How to Give Your Business a Kick-Ass Brand Identity won a Foreward Review Business Book of the Year Award. David has been featured in 100’s of TV Shows, Magazines, Newspapers and Online publications including CNN, CBS, FOX, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Sun Tribune, The San Francisco Examiner

Keri Murphy
Keri Murphy has as had the “entertainment” bug since she was a little girl. That passion led her to work as an on-camera talent for the past 20 years. She has worked on major networks such as E!, The Golf Channel, MTV, and TV Guide just to name a few. As the CEO and founder of Inspired Living, Keri uses her on-camera talent and 15 years of entrepreneur experience, to help others “Ignite their ‘IT’ Factor” in order to create a life and business they love. Through her celebrity interviews on Inspired Living TV, speaking, in addition to her mentoring and coaching programs; Keri aspires to empower women around the globe to live authentic and inspired lives. Dream it. Live it. BE it! In addition to Inspired Living, Keri has partnered with the largest women’s conference in the country, the California Women’s Conference and brought the Oregon Women’s Conference to Portland, OR in May of 2013. She’s a warm, honest, funny and captivating teacher who can spot and cultivate the “IT Factor” in her clients and students-and help them shine on-stage, on-camera, and in their lives and businesses.

Suzanne Monroe
Suzanne Monroe is the Founder and CEO of the International Association of Wellness Professionals, where holistic practitioners and coaches gain the business, marketing and success tools to grow their passionate practices into thriving businesses. Suzanne is a Heart-Based Business Mentor who has helped thousands of holistic entrepreneurs design businesses that feed their soul, fit their lifestyle and create what she calls “purposeful profit”. As a Conscious Entrepreneur herself, Suzanne founded and grew a global wellness coaching business and knows what it takes to build a conscious business from scratch to six figures. She is also the co-author of 101 Ways to Improve Your Health, the author of the Get Real Plan Cookbook and Lifestyle Plan, the creator of The Holistic Business Success System, the host of Conscious Biz T.V. and the visionary behind the IAWP’s Wellness Coach Certification Program.

Dr. Bernie Siegel
For many, Bernie needs no introduction. He has touched many lives all over our planet. In 1978 he began talking about patient empowerment and the choice to live fully and die in peace. As a physician, who has cared for and counseled innumerable people whose mortality has been threatened by an illness, Bernie embraces a philosophy of living and dying that stands at the forefront of the medical ethics and spiritual issues our society grapples with today. He continues to assist in the breaking of new ground in the field of healing and personally struggling to live the message of kindness and love. In 1978, Bernie originated Exceptional Cancer Patients, a specific form of individual and group therapy utilizing patients’ drawings, dreams, images and feelings. Bernie is the author and co-author of many books, for both children and adults, that empower patients and teach survival behavior to enhance the immune system competency. A full list of Bernie’s works can be found on his website

Bec Robbins
Bec Robbins, “Create What You Want” coach and founder of the My Mandala Manifestation Method®, is an expert in purpose discovery and co-creative manifestation. She works with women to cultivate the skills and healing necessary to connect with their life’s purpose and create the intimate relationships and financial liberation they desire and deserve. Bec is also a seasoned on-screen actor, serial entrepreneur, single mother and avid yogi who has been supporting and guiding women into self-expression and empowerment for over a decade. Her philosophy is simple: You are the creator of your reality. Consciously creating your life from the TRUTH of who you are, using the blueprint of your Life’s Purpose as your guide, will lead you to your deepest freedom and fulfillment.

Carolyn Cooper
Carolyn Cooper is a gifted energy healing practitioner, coach, and speaker. As a teacher and trainer she loves to share cutting-edge energy healing discoveries. Her style is practical and down-to-earth, without any hype or mysticism, just purely and simply speaking the language of the energy to bring alignment and balance. Carolyn is the creator of the SimplyHealed Method, which is an easy, non-invasive way of clearing away negative emotions and restoring balance and vibrancy to body, mind and spirit. Because of its accuracy and quickness, SimplyHealed has been referred to as the “Indiana Jones of Energy Healing”. This healing art can quickly locate flaws in the ancestral-emotional DNA and repair wounds of the past, some of which have been contained in the lineage for many generations. Clients report profound and life-changing results, typically after only one session.

Peter Sage
Peter Sage is a well-known international entrepreneur with over twenty years of experience in growing fast-paced enterprises. During that time he launched, operated and brought to success over a dozen companies, several of which were large enough to qualify for the global Entrepreneurs Organisation membership. He served as the Chairman of the London YES Group (the largest personal development organization in Europe) and currently serves on the Entrepreneurship Advisory Board for INSEAD – a global top-five business school and one of the world leaders in the field of entrepreneurship education and is an advisor to the Hungarian Government on their creative think tank policies. Peter is author of Supreme Physique and 5 Keys To Master Your Life, and co-author of Lessons Learned from the Recession. Peter has also written dozens of articles published in numerous magazines, newspapers and journals over the last two decades. As an expert in human behavior, leadership and motivation he has spoken on 5 continents and is frequently asked to deliver keynote addresses, entertaining and inspiring audiences across the globe where he has been booked to share the stage with high profile people such as Kofi Anan, Sir Richard Branson, Nobel Laureate Prof. Mohamed Yunnis, Former US President Bill Clinton and many others.

Ann Webb
Ann Webb is best known as The LifeVision Expert” and has coached thousands of successful entrepreneurs and network marketers in getting crystal clear in both their business and personal visions resulting in more money, better relationships, and improved health and fitness. Ann is the author and creator of the “Creating Your Ideal LifeVision”, a revolutionary Home Study Course that has helped thousands of people start living their Ideal Life. She also certifies Life and Business coaches to use Ideal LifeVision as a tool and process in their own businesses. Ann is also the President of Global LifeVision, a humanitarian outreach program that involves facilitating adventures for those that want to serve and make a different in developing countries. She regularly takes expeditions to teach, train and serve in Africa and India.

Ronda Wada has been said to have “x-ray vision for your soul.” She is a Life Fulfillment and Spiritual Business Mentor, international speaker and creator of Your Divine Navigation System™, The Business in Your Soul and The Soul FULL Business Academy. Through private mentoring, events and group trainings, she teaches high achieving women and entrepreneurs how to get the fulfillment along with the financial success they crave in their lives and businesses through aligning with who they really are not just who they think they have to be to get what they want.

about your host, Gina Hussar
Hello! I am so glad that you have found me. My name is Gina Hussar and I am a writer and Inner Peace and Transformation Coach. I have three beautiful children who keep me busy and full of love! I spent several years working in the fashion industry, but it never felt in line with my heart. While working as a Fashion Consultant and Editor, I made up my mind to master everything I could about the Law of Attraction, mind-body connections, personal development and inner peace. I became a certified Reiki healer, found amazing mentors, took courses such as Mastering the Path of the Peaceful Warrior and began to study A Course In Miracles. At 35, a profound shift in my spiritual life prompted me to leave my post as Founder and Editor-in-chief of a digital fashion magazine and devote my life to my true calling—helping others like me to find peace and power amidst chaos and uncertainty. And I am so glad I did! I LOVE my life now. My world has changed dramatically and I know that yours can too. It is my mission to start a global conversation about the importance of Inner Peace as a catalyst for lasting external change. I believe whole heartedly that we can all become architects of change and of peace if we learn the language of our spirit and choose according to its guidance.

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