Living Luminaries – Extended Interviews

Living Luminaries - Extended Interviews

Living Luminaries – Extended Interviews

The Serious Business of Happiness presents Living Luminaries Extended Interviews: 3 DVD Set.

Disc 1

MICHAEL BERNARD BECKWITH: Founder and Spiritual Director of the Agape International Spiritual Center.

GARY RENARD: Author of ‘The Disappearance of the Universe’.

DR. OBIDIAH S. HARRIS PH.D.: President of the Philosophical Research Society.

MARIANNE WILLIAMSON: Internationally acclaimed lecturer & author of nine books.

DR. ROBERT FRAGER: – Sufi Sheikh: Founder of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.

REV. ROBERT SCHULLER: of the Crystal Cathedral & the internationally televised ‘Hour of Power’.

Disc 2

GERONIMO JI JAGA (PRATT): Wrongly sent to prison for 27 years, where he found true “Freedom”.

MATTHEW KELLY: Author of The Rhythm of Life, The Book of Courage, Rediscovering Catholicism.

RABBI YITZCHOK ADLERSTEIN: of Loyola Univerisity, Los Angeles.

MARC EMERY: Canadian marijuana activist, facing extradition for selling seeds over the Internet.

DON MIGUEL RUIZ: Author of The Four Agreements and The Mastery of Love.

VENERABLE LAMA CHODAK GYATSO NUBPA: Resident lama of T’hondup Ling, center for teaching.

Disc 3

ECKHART TOLLE: Author of The Power of Now, one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

DR. REV. MARY MANIN MORRISSEY: Author of the book ‘Field of Dreams’.

REV. WILLIAM EPPS: Pastor of the historic Second Baptist Church in Los Angeles.

STEVEN DROULARD: Professor of Attention Mechanics at the Philosophical Research Institute.

DR. HARRY MORGAN MOSES: Founder of the New Thought Center in San Diego.


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