Kris Gilbertson – Ultimate Podcasting Blueprint

Kris Gilbertson – Ultimate Podcasting Blueprint

Kris Gilbertson – Ultimate Podcasting Blueprint

Kris Gilbertson – Ultimate Podcasting Blueprint

Name Product: Kris Gilbertson – Ultimate Podcasting Blueprint

Sale Page:

Price: $297

Your Complete Blueprint to Partnering w/ iTunes and Creating a Successful Podcast:
To Reach More People, Make MORE Sales and HAVE more FUN!

Module 1: The Foundation
Module 2: Show Creation
Module 3: Production and iTunes Launch
Module 4: Marketing and Monetizing

Bonus: 3 Quick Start Guides: Ultimate Podcast Blueprint: Easy 8 Step Process + 21-Quick Start Action Guide + Ultimate Podcast Fast Track Hosting Guide

This is the Ultimate Podcasting Blueprint  – give you the exact step-by-step process to show creation, recording, and producing your podcast immediately! The 21-Quick Start Checklist is to ensure the launch to every podcast episode you produce is set for success. Then, the Podcast Fast Track Guide will walk you setp-by-step with written instructions + screen shots to show you exactly how to manage the technical aspects of podcasting. This is a lifesaver and can be a great resource for VA’s.  THIS BONUS ALONE is worth the super low cost of the Podcasting Pro System!!

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