Kindle 5100 – 5100 Downloads, 30 Sales A Day

Kindle 5100 – 5100 Downloads, 30 Sales A Day

Kindle 5100 – 5100 Downloads, 30 Sales A Day

Kindle 5100 – 5100 Downloads, 30 Sales A Day

Name Product: Kindle 5100 – 5100 Downloads, 30 Sales A Day!

Sale Page:

Price: $39.99

How I Catapulted A New Kindle Book Right To the Top, Forcing Amazon to Promote and Selling 30+ Copies A Day!

Inside I’m going to show you all the tools I used to grab high rankings, 5000+ downloads and over 30 sales a day. I’m going to walk you through, step by step, everything I did in a complete case study!
The Exact Steps Laid Bare:

Step 1 and 2: Finding the Right Niche!
Step 3: How to Write to Win!
Step 4: In Depth Cover Creation
Step 5, 6, and 7: SECRET Anchoring Techniques!
Step 8: Writing Killer Descriptions!
Step 9: Gathering Reviews
Step 10: Automated Book Promotion

Plus More!

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