Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson – Writing that works

Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson - Writing that works

Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson - Writing that works

Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson – Writing that works

Writing That Works will help you say what you want to say, with less difficulty and more confidence. Now in its third edition, this completely updated classic has been expanded to included all new advice on e-mail and the e-writing world, plus a fresh point of view on political correctness.

With dozens of examples, many of them new, and useful tips for writing as well as faster on a computer, Writing That Works will show you how to improve anything you write:

Presentations that move ideas and action
Memos and letters that get things done
Plans and reports that make things happen
Fund-raising and sales letters that produce results
Resumes and letters that lead to interviews
Speeches that make a point

About the Author

Kenneth Roman, former Chairman and CEO of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, is active on corporate and nonprofit boards.

Joel Raphaelson, former Executive Creative Director of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, lectures on writing.

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