Jonathan Parker – The Prosperity Solution Volume I

Jonathan Parker – The Prosperity Solution Volume I

Jonathan Parker – The Prosperity Solution Volume I

Jonathan Parker – The Prosperity Solution Volume I

Name Product: Jonathan Parker – The Prosperity Solution Volume I
COST: $119.95
Author: Jonathan Parker
Size: 1.39 GB

Some people have the “Midas Touch”. Everything they touch seems to turn to gold. We often call these people ‘lucky’ because whatever they do works out right – they just seem to attract success and prosperity. Why is this? Is it ‘luck’ or is there more to it?

In their quest for wealth and success, most people concentrate on external, tangible considerations. The look for ‘breaks,’ business opportunities, marketing strategies, creative ideas, profitable investments, and just about everything else under the sun.

In The Prosperity Solution you’ll discover the real secret of lasting success and fulfilling abundance. You’ll learn that concentrating on external strategies is not the secret–they are only the tip of the iceberg. Real success and prosperity consciousness begin on the inside first and are then manifested on the outside.
Belief Creates Fact

Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius said, “Our life is what our thoughts make it.”

William James, dubbed the ‘father of American psychology,’ said, “Belief creates the actual fact.” It is your innermost attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts that are responsible more than any other factor for your success or failure.

Most people have a desire to succeed and many believe they will succeed–they believe in success on a conscious level, that is. But often it just doesn’t seem to work out for them, no matter how sincere or hardworking they are. Why is that? It’s because of self-defeating beliefs deep in their inner mind–negative beliefs about their ability or worthiness to succeed. At a subconscious level, many people actually expect the worst, and unfortunately, that’s exactly what they get.

These subconscious beliefs, which we are usually unaware of, are the ones that place limits and restrictions on our accomplishments and keep us struggling, frustrated, and unhappy. Fortunately, negative subconscious ideas can be changed. The Prosperity Solution will show you how.
Prosperity – Your Birthright

The American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Man was born to be rich.” Emerson viewed prosperity as a birthright, available to everyone, not just a select few. Becoming successful isn’t like joining some kind of elite club. It’s for everybody, including you, regardless of your age, background, education, financial status, or present situation.

In this landmark 16-Hour program, you will identify the barriers to your success and systematically remove them. Through special relaxation and guided visualization sessions you’ll learn the powerful technique of mental imaging and experience how effective it can be in attracting wealth and prosperity. You’ll internalize positive beliefs at the deepest levels that will turn your dreams into reality.

The Prosperity Solution doesn’t contain a single ‘get rich quick’ scheme. Yet the information and insights you will gain can be applied to any business, profession, or money-making idea you may have, with great results. Why? Because it gives you control of the most powerful money-making tool you have: the power of your inner mind!
Program Table of Contents

Tapes 1 to 10 basic approaches to achievement

Tapes 11 to 15 review these in brief presentations

Tapes 16 to 18 present thoughts of success subliminally, masked by environmental sounds and music.

tape 1. The sky is not the limit –

tape 2. Breaking free –

tape 3. Set your vision –

tape 4. Unleash your inner power –

tape 5. Getting results –

tape 6. Success & prosperity –

tape 7. Super creativity for success –

tape 8. Oh yes you can! –

tape 9. The power of generosity –

tape 10. Overcoming procrastination –

VOLUME II [Coming Soon…] Tape 11. side 1. Quickbreak : I deserve success. side 2. Quickbreak : getting the action habit –

Tape 12. side 1. Quickbreak : success is yours. side 2. Quickbreak : think prosperity –

Tape 13. side 1. Quickbreak : abundance through giving. side 2. Quickbreak : breaking through challenges –

Tape 14. side 1. Mind-talk : attracting success & prosperity. side 2. Mind-talk : creativity for success –

Tape 15. side 1. Mind-talk : giving & receiving abundantly. side 2. Mind-talk : overcoming procrastination –

Tape 16. Subliminal tape : attracting wealth & prosperity –

Tape 17. side 1. Subliminal tape : the action habit. side 2. Subliminal tape : stop procrastination –

Tape 18. Becoming a successful achiever.

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