John Overdurf-The structure of conversational hypnosis

John Overdurf-The structure of conversational hypnosis

John Overdurf-The structure of conversational hypnosis

John Overdurf-The structure of conversational hypnosis

Coaching Trances 8 Day Video Description:

This comprehensive video program documents an 8 day Hypnosis training recorded live in Portland, Oregon. It is a must have if you want top-notch video training in hypnotherapy. If you liked the book, Training Trances, this is as close as you can get to a video version of the book, just updated.

This was an extraordinary training because we had an extremely varied audience- from folks new to hypnosis to experienced trainers. This meant I had to teach on many levels simultaneously to address the diverse needs of the students. The good news is this presented me with many more situations where I had to rely on the power of the hypnotic processes I was teaching and applying them directly to teaching itself, which is also unique from a content standpoint. Provocative and spontaneous, with lots of twists and turns, you’ll enjoy all of the multi-level communication.

While the training covers the classic Ericksonian Hypnosis material, I wanted to expand the work beyond the Training Trances Era and integrate the coaching model that I’ve been using more recently.

Here’s a sampling of some of the content and processes covered:
Review of basic Ericksonian skills required to do more sophisticated, advanced techniques
Classic Ericksonian Induction Structures:
Pacing current experience
Conscious-unconscious dissociation
What to do after you’ve induced trance
How to easily elicit traditional hypnotic phenomena, such as:
Deep trance identification

How to use Erickson’s basic protocol for posthypnotic suggestions
How to conversationally elicit present states and outcome states to create unconscious change.
The Hypnotic Interview: a template for effective Hypnotherapy
How to seamlessly transition in and out of … that’s right!
How to use dreams and naturally occurring dream-like states hypnotically
Post hypnotic suggestion
How to install a very effective protocol for self-hypnosis

There’s lots of demos and inductions to deepen your experience, as well as liberal use of post hypnotic suggestion which will be a nice trance-later into your everyday life
The video is very crisp and clear. Mark Ryan, who filmed the class, did an outstanding job in capturing the look and feel of the training making it it a very informative, rich and fun, hypnotic viewing experience for you.
If you are a trainer, or if you are thinking about doing trainings in the future, you will get to see & review how to structure a transformative class and use hypnotic principles to deliver information. You will also watch some incredible demos – from basic skills to very sophisticated techniques – from beginning to end. The beauty of video is you can rewind it as often as you need to until you are comfortable that you can do it yourself. Also included is a pdf of the manual used for the training.

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