John Desmond – Consuming Behaviour [PDF]

John Desmond – Consuming Behaviour [PDF]

John Desmond – Consuming Behaviour [PDF]

Type Business / Marketing
Size 1.87 MB in 2 file(s)

The first thing to note is that the title of this book is not ConsumER Behavior but ConsumING Behavior. Don’t worry about it. I made the same mistake when I originally downloaded the book. Not until I began to read it did I realize this is not your father’s consumer behavior text.
From the book’s introduction: The principal differences between this text and a typical consumer behaviour text are twofold:
* This text is not intended as a guide for the manager who wishes to learn how best to lure and capture customers. Instead it is intended as a guide for the person who is interested in understanding the role played by marketing, among other forces, in the creation and sustenance of consumption contexts.
* The text does not seek to replicate the cognitive/psychological/theoretical template employed in consumer behaviour texts. Because of its individualist focus, the traditional approach tends to highlight internal cognitive processes. As a result there is a tendency to reproduce the ‘social’ as the last layer of an onion where the section on internal psychological processes (the hierarchy of effects and so on) represents the core. One reason for not reproducing this is that existing texts deal with this subject matter in such a consummate and comprehensive manner that there is no point in seeking to reproduce that particular wheel. More importantly, by focusing so heavily on such internal processes, other important issues tend to be sidelined.

From Google Books: This text seeks to overcome an imbalance in traditional consumer behavior texts by incorporating biological, sociological, and anthropological theories into the core of the work. The aim is to provide a challenging and interesting book which addresses important issues such as time, space and consumption; consuming needs and values, semiotics, identity, the body, eating disorders and drug-taking. The text looks at consuming behavior in the context of general changes in society through adopting a historical perspective. It seeks to adopt a neutral view of consuming behavior rather than the more traditional adoption of the producers’ perspective, and to look at the contemporary issues affecting consuming behavior in today’s world.
1. Consuming Tales
2. Consuming Space and Time
3. Consuming Power
4. Consuming Needs and Values
5. Semiotics: Consuming Meaning
6. Consumption and Identity
7. The Consuming Body
8. Consuming ‘Disorders’
9. Consuming Brands
10. Consuming Addiction

Format: PDF
Length: 430 pages
Published: 2003 by Palgrave, an imprint of St. Martin’s Press LLC
ISBN: 0333949927
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