Jay Abraham and Chet Holmes – PEQ 1

Ryan Deiss - Undercover List Building Webinar

Jay Abraham and Chet Holmes - PEQ 1

Jay Abraham and Chet Holmes – PEQ 1

Introducing:   The Blockbuster Operating   System That Finally Makes Marketing Successes Start To Flow For Your Company

Ive found that most business owners and managers are somewhat out of touch with the fundamentals of how to implement great marketing. I have some discomforting news that could, (ironically), totally transform your business fate:

Despite the fact that engineering powerful, breakthrough marketing and sales programs must be your chief priority you probably do very little with all the powerful concepts and strategies Ive shared with you in the past. Invariably, if I sat you down right now and drilled you on the core material youve learned from me, Id probably find youre doing about 2-10% implementation of the true potential and thats costing you a fortune!

You may disagree, especially if youve had success in business or used a couple of my principles to reap a handsome windfall or two. You may even think youre a good marketer. You may not like to hear it, but Ill prove to you in the next few pages that you still have something important no, make that critical to learn before your business can begin to deliver the profits you deserve.

Despite what you might think about your business-building or strategic marketing ability, youre probably miles away from marketing greatness — and youll remain hopelessly off course until you recognize and fully acknowledge this simple fact :

Your Goals

Setting and monitoring goals for each area of your company can cause 200-300% increases in performance. Do you know how to set goals, reinforce goals, support a goal-oriented environment? Chet teaches that the number one thing he does when he is hired to do large company turn-arounds, is to get everyone focused on solution-oriented goals. “The most powerful thing you can do for any company, is to help them create a goal-oriented environment.” If you’re in trouble, you’d better get this PEQ RIGHT away. It contains all the secrets to turning a company around. If you’re interested in accelerated growth and are truly serious about it, the PEQ teaches how to set up your entire organization for just such growth.


Your Time Management

Do you run your company by “got-a-minute” meetings? You know; where anyone can go to anyone else, anytime they want and have an instant “got-a-minute” meeting. That’s a terrible way to run a company. 99% of companies, particularly the entrepreneurial companies I tend to attract, are in a highly reactive mode most of the time. After you set up your goals, the PEQ teaches you how to run a company for maximum productivity, with the kind of structure that takes your business seriously. Because if you’re not taking your business seriously, then you’re playing at business and it will never be a sustaining, enduring, self perpetuating entity.


Your Planning, Policies And Procedures

Chet created a program entitled “Zero to $100 Million.” The intent of this program was to study several entrepreneurs at several different levels of growth, including those that had built their companies to $100 million and beyond.

The key ingredient to those that had built their companies over $100 million, was in the discipline of the entrepreneur more so than it was in the idea. Meaning, there are a lot of banks in the world, but only one became Citibank. The key ingredient to your greatness is in these three words (and you cannot build a great company without them): Planning, Policies and Procedures. Hopefully, you’re beginning to see that companies bound for greatness are “structured” to achieve said greatness. You’ll learn all about it with the PEQ home study.


Strategy vs. Tactics

This is huge. Now we’re going to talk about marketing. But before we begin, we need to break down marketing into several categories. The first thing to really understand is the difference between strategy and tactics.

Strategy means that you have determined, in advance, an ultimate goal you would like to achieve for each tactic.

Tactics are the things you do to achieve your goal. A tactic is a marketing effort such as: a yellow page ad, a newsletter, a speaking engagement, a sales call, a trade show, a newspaper ad, a meeting with a new client, etc.

This was perhaps the biggest revelation to our attendees. They had never clearly thought through the ultimate position they wanted to achieve in their businesses. And if they had, those thoughts were NOT being deployed at the tactical level. If you want to be the most respected company in your market, do your tactics reflect that desire?

And they had certainly not thought through the ultimate objective they wanted to achieve for each tactic. This one single mind-set shift will make the difference between truly being the preemptive choice in your market or dreaming about it. You can read what the attendees said themselves (in this letter). They were floored.



We covered 66 primary ways to get customers. How many do you use? Three? Five? I’ve taught many ways to get customers many times before. But what I have never taught, and what was taught differently here (and with piercing effectiveness) was HOW you get the 66 different ways all functioning with the height of efficiency in your business.


Effective Presenting

Did you know that almost all of our motivation comes from things we see rather than what we hear? How effectively are you using visual aids to communicate your message to your market? How about in your promotional pieces, presentations, trade shows, retail floor space, direct mail, promotional pieces, etc? How effectively are YOU presenting YOURSELF? Learn the details from 20 years of scientific study. Don’t guess. The PEQ can transform you and your team members into master communicators.


Master The Telephone

It’s one of the most valuable weapons in today’s business arsenal, yet most of you are amateurs compared to what this session taught on using this weapon strategically. Seriously, not to be insulting, but I’ve never met anyone who could hold a candle to the techniques unveiled here from a man who has personally gotten to 50 Fortune 500 CEOs and sold them services, some of them close to $2 million. Learn how to master the telephone and you can accomplish almost anything in this world.


Get Appointments

In the last ten years, the cost to get in front of a prospect or customer has tripled. Yet, the effectiveness of marketing has declined by 50%. So you’re paying three times as much to get half the result. This session shows how you can get in front of anyone. Period. Short of the president of the United States (and this might even work with him) this segment of the PEQ program shows you that there is no one who you can’t get an appointment with if you so desire.


Follow-Up/Continue The Bonding Process

Is the follow-up in your company up to the individual moods, attitudes and skills of each individual? Or – have you designed highly structured follow-up procedures that absolutely ensure that your company bonds with its customers?


Traits Of Overachievers

This was cool. We actually had a diagnostic test that we gave everyone that determines whether or not you’re an overachiever. How about your staff? Your new-hires? Not only does this segment teach what makes someone an overachiever in business, but it sets up standards for behavior and performance evaluation in every area of doing business. This segment is an awesome experience and you’ll love it.


Hiring And Motivating

There is no way I could do justice to the impact of this particular session. Most people wouldn’t know a superstar performer if they bumped into one. Most companies don’t realize that, for every great idea you have (or I have given you), there are ten top performers out there who would love to take that ball and run with it for you.

And you can get them to work on straight commission, and this program teaches you how. Turn them into your greatest profit center instead of expense. There’s a certain kind of recruiting ad that has a virtual magnetic pull of top performers. There are three things you can do in an interview that will automatically weed out the people who will be problems later. We taught it all in this segment of the PEQ. You must have this intelligence to succeed today.


Understanding “The Sales Process”

Finally. If you don’t understand the sales process, thoroughly, then you are fooling yourself about being successful. Did you know that there are seven fundamental steps that every mind goes through in order to make a purchase decision. And learning those was one thing, and very powerful — but the greatness of this program comes as you are forced to directly identify how those seven steps relate to YOUR product or service.

This makes you a scientist, not an artist. I’ve made you the artist. Now, finally, I’m bringing you the material to make you the disciplined business scientist. The melding of left and right brain into a machine that grows revenue and runs a company like a high powered engine.

The Big Difference Between The Fortune 500
Companies And YOU
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