Jack Kornfield – The Inner Art of Meditation

Jack Kornfield - The Inner Art of Meditation

Jack Kornfield - The Inner Art of Meditation

Jack Kornfield – The Inner Art of Meditation

Meditation is not a means of self-improvement. It is a way of discovering the truth, and relating to it with compassion and honesty. Awaken to a richer spiritual life with The Inner Art of Meditation, a full seven-hour introduction to insight meditation. Distilled from a five-week retreat, this audio-learning event presents Jack Kornfield at his best: engaging, intelligent, helpful-and easy to follow along with. Jack Kornfield’s most popular audio meditation course.

Kornfield, an ordained Buddhist monk, seasoned master, and author, conducts a series of five sessions on Vipassanna, or insight meditation. Vipassana shows how to incorporate Buddhist teaching into everyday living experiences, such as eating, driving, and walking. Kornfield instructs his class on developing an awareness of the present in order to reawaken the capacity to live more fully, compassionately, wisely, and lovingly. General audiences aspiring to a higher spiritual plane will find this an effective, practical, and enlightening course by a sensitive guide with a great sense of humor.

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