International Freelancers Academy – Warm Email Prospecting

International Freelancers Academy - Warm Email Prospecting

International Freelancers Academy – Warm Email Prospecting

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Want to know why so many freelancers and self-employed professionals struggle? It has little to do with the economy, a lack of talent or bad luck.

And a lot to do with how consistently they promote their services.
Fact is, too many freelancers dislike promoting themselves. So they’ll put it off until they have little or no work.
That creates a dangerous feast-or-famine cycle that kills creativity and sucks the energy out of your business.
But what if you could make your own marketing easier? What if marketing your services was actually fun and painless?
My colleague Ed Gandia has developed a unique way to land clients faster, easier, and cheaper with nothing but e-mail.
This is not about “mass e-mailing” or spam. Ed’s approach involves sending very short and personalized messages to prospects who have a high chance of responding.
This unique approach to e-mail marketing is easy to do. It’s free. And it’s surprisingly effective when you follow Ed’s system, which you can learn through his online program, “Warm E-mail Prospecting.”
Ed’s comprehensive and interactive program will arm you with actionable strategies and step-by-step instruction. You’ll get everything you need to make prospecting easier — and to land business faster!
But you have to hurry. Because enrollment for this interactive online program closes this coming Tuesday, May 8.
Check it out today. And learn how to finally put an end to the feast-or-famine cycle.

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