Harold and Joe – The GPlus Pro: The New Google SEO Tool

Harold and Joe – The GPlus Pro: The New Google SEO Tool

Harold and Joe – The GPlus Pro: The New Google SEO Tool

Harold and Joe – The GPlus Pro: The New Google SEO Tool

Name Product: Harold and Joe – The GPlus Pro: The New Google SEO Tool

Sale Page: http://www.gpluspro.com/

Price: $249

The GPlus Pro Core Foundation Video Training Series: $497 Value
I’ll receive the core foundation “series of step-by-step” videos, INSTANTLY, so I’ll be ready to build an EVERLASTING business within the biggest search engine on the planet, Google. No more slaps and No more Google Nonsense! Only results, like better rankings, more traffic, expert authority and more business!

Advanced Google+ Training Videos: $597 Value
In this ongoing, cutting edge, advanced video training series, I will learn how to put any business on steroids. As Google makes updates I want to keep my business at the forefront. Faster rankings, more Google authority and even more business!

Proprietary WordPress Plugin: $197 Value
Value Because I want to focus on my business and making money, fast, and I don’t want to waste time with technical mumbo jumbo, I want to use the “copy & paste” & “plug-n-play” format of this software that makes life much easier.

Client Snag “Client Getting with
Google Plus”: $447 Value
As an offline marketer I understand that I need clients and I want to learn how to get new clients this week using only Google+. I really like the fact of getting clients without cold calling and additional costs. I also like being able to sell the Client Snag method as a service to the clients I just got using the Client Snag method. It’s  win – win!

[img]http://filetut.com/images/d.png[/img] [code] http://filetut.com/j30axfnhlz9f/GPlusPro.part1.rar.html
[/code] [b][color=red]***If the link is dead please sent mail to me, I will re-upload immediately***[/color][/b] Support Mail:[code][email protected][/code]

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