Grant Cardone – Sell to Survive

Grant Cardone - Sell to Survive

Grant Cardone – Sell to Survive

In Sell To Survive you will learn why selling is as vital to
your survival as food, water, and oxygen.

This book will give you very simple concepts that you can
use confidently and successfully to sell others on yourself,
your ideas and your products.

Herein you will find step-by-step successful selling
strategies and effective sales techniques to prosper in ANY
economic condition.

Take a close look at any successful person, and what do
you find? Wouldn’t it be great if you knew what successful
people know or don’t know? Wouldn’ t it be great if you
knew all those successful selling strategies and more?

For instance, if you knew the universal formula of
negotiations, you’d be more successful, right?

You could then take any area of your life from where you
are now, decide where you want to be, and realistically
move toward your goals one-by-one!

You’ll have the critical points you need to know to
ensure your dreams become a reality and get what you
want, and deserve, NOW!
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