How To Be An Expert Persuader… In 20 Days Or Less

How To Be An Expert Persuader… In 20 Days Or Less

How To Be An Expert Persuader… In 20 Days Or Less

How To Be An Expert Persuader… In 20 Days Or Less

Covert Persuasion Expert Swears Under Oath His Secret Mind Control Techniques Do Not Involve Any Black Magic Or ‘Dark Forces’…

…Despite Giving You The Unstoppable Power To Put Anyone Under Your Control, And Make People Do Almost Anything You Want Them To Do!

Before I reveal more of my closely-guarded secrets, let me quickly introduce myself and tell you my true personal story.

My name is Michael Lee. I’m a persuasion expert, certified NLP practitioner, hypnotist, professional copywriter, life coach and known by many as a “self-improvement guru.” (That’s what they’re calling me, not something I invented.)

I didn’t start out to be successful. In fact, I know what it’s like to feel helpless and frustrated in various situations where you have to deal with other people. For many agonizing years, I was in the same position as you are (or probably worse).

Since the beginning, I was “controlled” even by people who are supposed to understand me.

My family and relatives had always told me everything I should do (from what I should eat… to what course I should take in college). They had confused “guidance” with “overprotection.” That’s ok if I’m still a kid, but I was already in my teens by then!

When I went to school, I was often manipulated and cheated. My classmates would always borrow money from me. I just couldn’t say “No” even if I know they’ll never return the money.

I would do whatever they said, no matter how stupid it was, just to gain their acceptance. Sadly, I was “used” like a slave and was not treated as a friend.

As I grew older, things got worse. I had a very tough time interacting with people and making friends. My extreme shyness and inability to communicate had built a huge wall in my social life. My relationships suffered tremendously, and I actually avoided any contact with people. It was very depressing.

When I was hunting for a job, nobody wanted to hire me. Although I can easily pass the written exams, the job interviews would always kill me. (Thank God, my kind relative had mercy and hired me for a while so I was able to pay my bills.)

People avoided me as much as possible, because they didn’t want to be associated with a “loser”. I dreaded every new project, because nobody wanted me to be their partner or team member. They avoided me like an outcast with an infectious disease. It hurts a lot!

I tried selling too. But with no charisma and a weak personality, I never made one sale back then.

My confidence level just plummeted to the core of the earth. For years, I felt hopeless and depressed. I’m sure you’ll feel the same way if you were in my position.

Then finally, I had enough! I realized that if I really wanted to change my life and be in charge of my destiny, it’s up to me!

I started buying, researching, studying, and applying all sorts of powerful information about psychology, proven mind control techniques, and persuasion and influence.

Aside from topics on persuasion, I also dug the deep secrets of its related fields including conversational hypnosis, body language, communication training, NLP, copywriting and negotiation.

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