Eric James – Facebook Shadow Boxing Club

Eric James - Facebook Shadow Boxing Club

Eric James – Facebook Shadow Boxing Club

[img][/img] Salespage:
Q – Is there an upsell?
A – Nope, you get everything you need, and at a $200 discount.

Q – How much is this?
A – The normal price for JUST the coaching is $497.00. Right now THROUGH THIS PAGE you
can get the group coaching, lifetime access to the member’s area and mastermind group

for only $297.00. By Tuesday the price on this page will be $497.00 as well.

Q – How much do I need to advertise?
A – The bigger your ad budget the faster you will see results and build bigger pages. I suggest that
you have at least $300 per month to spend on ads. You can get by on less but it will take more time
to build up your network.

Q – When will I see results?
A – I do not know how fast you work and if you will put what I show you into practice. That is why
I can offer no guarantees on speed of results. However, most of my students begin to generate money
within a week of building up their pages.

Q – How many coaching sessions are there?
A – There are 8 coaching sessions. Each one will be recorded and placed in the member’s area.
[img][/img] [quote]


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