entheos – The Art of Money Bari Tessler Linden

entheos - The Art of Money Bari Tessler Linden

entheos – The Art of Money Bari Tessler Linden

The Experts and Their Topics:

Overview of the Art of Money Methodology and en*theos Guest Teachers
with Bari Tessler Linden
Bari Tessler, M.A., is a Financial Therapist, Mentor Coach, Mama-preneur, and the Founder of The Art of Money. She has guided thousands of people to new, empowered, and refreshingly honest relationships with money through her nurturing, body-centered approach.
Big ideas from this session:
• An overview of the Art of Money methodology
• An overview of the Guest Teachers and topics in our symposium
• How it all connects together

Women and Money: Overcoming Underearning, Sacred Wealth with Barbara Stanny
Barbara Stanny is on a mission to inspire women to become financially empowered. She shares her journey to financial independence in hopes of inspiring, and motivating YOU to become smart (or smarter) with money.

The Energy of Money with Hiro Boga
Hiro Boga is a writer, mentor, master teacher of transformational programs, and an intuitive business strategist whose work gives evolutionary entrepreneurs the tools to partner with the soul of their business.

Earning and Superpowers for the Artist and Creative Entrepreneur with Fabeku Fatunmise
Fabeku Fatunmise is a Business Awesomizer and Suck Exorcist. He helps people awesomize their entrepreneurial enterprises by banging drums, playing with symbols and channeling dead rock stars.

Couples and Money with Jacquette Timmons
Jacquette M. Timmons, a financial behaviorist, helps people identify the underlying behaviors and beliefs that keep them from reaching their financial goals. She coaches, teaches, speaks, and writes on creative solutions to common financial problems for everyone from the middle class to the 1%. She’s the founder of Sterling Investment Management, Inc and the author of Financial Intimacy: How to Create a Healthy Relationship with Your Money and Your Mate. Her work has been featured on CNN, HLN, FOX, Black Enterprise, NPR, and the Wall Street Journal. Follow her @jacqmtimmons.

Socially Responsible Investing and the Concept of Investing with Christopher Peck
Christopher Peck is one of the managing partners of Natural Investments. He is passionate about socially responsible investing, seeing it as a piece of the broad ecosystem of responses to the ills of the modern day.

Somatic Tools for Money Work with Diane Heller
Diane Poole Heller, PhD, is a Somatic Experiencing trainer, Special topics presenter, speaker and an established expert in the field of trauma resolution, Attachment Models and integrative healing techniques.

Money and Enneagram with Ben Saltzman
Ben Saltzman, MA, is an internationally known world class facilitator, shadow dancer, and coach to spiritually minded multi-millionaires and entrepreneurs. He’s the creator of the “Shadow/Light Integration Process”.

Parenting and Money with Robyn Crane CFP
Robyn Crane CFP is the author of ‘The Money Ménage a Trois’, creator of Money Parenting™, and the founder of The KYM GYM™ System, Know Your Money to Grow Your Money.

Creativity, Consciousness and Money with Mindy Crary
Mindy Crary, MBA, CFP® is a writer, speaker and an expert in personal finance with over 15 years in finance services. She is founder of Creative Money, where Gen X and Gen y can get financial coaching without product sales and understand how their behavior is more important than their investment returns.

Bookkeeping Systems: Personal and Biz with Jess Salzman
Jessica Reagan Salzman is the founder of Heart Based Bookkeeping, which she opened in January of 2006. Jess works with small business owners who love what they do, but can’t keep up with managing the numbers side of their business. She helps her clients identify and solve both their practical and emotional challenges of making and managing money.

Biz Finances: Cash Flow, Systems and Biz Models for Entrepreneurs with Amy Bradbury
Amy empowers entrepreneurs with the strategy, systems, and savvy to make businesses they love. She holds the highest certification for QuickBooks, speaks regularly, and runs workshops jumpstarting small businesses.

Macro and Spiritual Side of Money with Orland Bishop
Orland Bishop is the founder and director of ShadeTree Multicultural Foundation in Los Angeles, where he has pioneered approaches to urban truces and mentors at-risk youth that combine new ideas with traditional ways of knowledge.

Your Host Bari Tessler Linden
Bari Tessler, M.A., is a Financial Therapist, Mentor Coach, Mama-preneur, and the Founder of The Art of Money. She has guided thousands of people to new, empowered, and refreshingly honest relationships with money through her nurturing, body-centered approach.
Bari earned a Masters in Somatic Psychology from Naropa University and worked in body-centered therapy for over a decade before unexpectedly falling in love with bookkeeping systems and money work.
Her unique methodology integrates these two worlds into deep money healing that honors all the facets of our money relationships: body to spirit, lineage to career, smart practices to deep visioning, and much more.
She is currently leading a global conscious money movement via her year-long program, The Art of Money, which weaves together personal, couple and entrepreneurial money teachings.

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