Ebook Marketing Machine by Jim Edwards

 Ebook Marketing Machine by  Jim Edwards

 Ebook Marketing Machine by  Jim Edwards

More Information:  http://ebookmarketingmachine.com/
Price: $147

eBook Marketing Machine

It gives you exactly what you need to know for marketing and selling your ebooks…

It cuts through all the fluff and you’ll know exactly how to build the marketing momentum you need to get more readers, make more sales, and build REAL credibility in your niche.

–    You’ll discover exactly what needs to go into your website to make it an ebook-selling, reader-grabbing powerhouse!
–    Find out why “Email Marketing” is critical for your success as an ebook author and exactly how to implement it the RIGHT way. The power is in the list and follow-up, and we’ll cover both in-depth…
–    Discover the exact tools you need to build up a RABID fan-base of loyal readers, whether you want to make money *just* selling ebooks, or also use them to build up your coaching, consulting, or even brick-and-mortar business.
–    The TRUTH about buying traffic to your website… and the TRAPS to avoid when spending ANY money on ads.
–    The single best PAID advertising source you should test (and NO, it’s NOT Google AdWords)…
–    How and where to find super-affiliates to help push your ebook to their big lists…
–    The truth about blogging, guest blogging, Facebook, Twitter and more when it comes to consistently marketing your ebook as an author (especially a NON-Fiction author)…
–    The simplest and most powerful strategy I personally use to NEVER run out of “FRESH Content” to use to promote my ebooks (I’ve been doing it for 15 years!)

–    and much, MUCH MORE!

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