Darren Hardy – The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster [9 CDs, mp3 format]

   Darren Hardy - The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster [9 CDs, mp3 format]

   Darren Hardy – The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster [9 CDs, mp3 format]

It’s a fact that the demise of the Industrial and Corporate Ages has unleashed a massive movement (back) toward entrepreneurship—by inspiration or desperation. Tens of millions of people will become newly “independent” for their income source. But most people are not prepared, trained or conditioned to be entrepreneurs. It wasn’t modeled or taught to them by their parents or in school.

That’s where New York Times best-selling author Darren Hardy’s audiobook, The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster, comes in. It’s designed for those new (or early stage) to entrepreneurship or those who have watched from afar and have wanted/wished to join in, but the fear of the unknown has kept them stupefied and in paralysis.

Darren focuses on the emotional journey one takes when they step onto the wild ride of entrepreneurship. It’s meant to warn (forthcomnig fears, doubts and self-defeating conditioning of past /upbringing), inoculate (from the naysayers, dream stealers and pains of rejection and failure) and guide them (building those undeveloped skills of independence, self-motivation and self-accountability) safely past the landmines that blow up (cause failure of) 66% of all new businesses.

You will learn the best strategies Darren has ever collected from the most successful people on the planet, covering the four essential skills necessary for entrepreneurial success: Sales, Recruiting, Leadership, and Productivity.

This audiobook is for you if:

• You’ve dreamed of having your own business but have a fear of the unknown.
• You’ve stayed on the sidelines of entrepreneurship, not knowing what to expect or what to do.
• You’re already on board as an entrepreneur, but you want to ensure you’re a success and not a statistic.

It’s a fun, entertaining and highly engaging listen and, you’ll find, it’s an essential experience to get you “onboarded” into entrepreneurship.

Released: 2014
[center][img]http://filetut.com/images/d.png[/img] [quote] http://filetut.com/nqz2mthmahbs/Darren_Hardy_-_The_Entrepreneur_Roller_Coaster.rar.html

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