Conversation King with Tom Torero and Emma – 2012

Conversation King with Tom Torero and Emma - 2012

Conversation King with Tom Torero and Emma – 2012

What you should NEVER talk about… both when approaching a woman and on a date… EVER.

Simple Eye Contact and body language tips to keep them engaged in the conversation.

Why voice tone is the number one reason women lose interest in talking with you and a voice trick to fix it.

The one thing 90% of guys do with their voice when they speak that signals “Approval Seeking” and abruptly ends interactions.

The single word you should respond with after she’s been talking. Hint: Don’t ever say “Cool! Awesome! Nice!”

Why talking about yourself is social suicide, how to get her to open up and then keep the focus on her even when she’s asking questions about you… this will make her invest in YOU.

A simple 4 word question that will have any woman opening up and invest in you. This is so simple but it works every time and you can use it with anyone, anytime.

A list of questions you should ask a girl that make her invest in you and make her feel you’re the best conversationalist and most interesting guy she’s ever met.

STEALTH QUESTIONS and using “PARROTING” – This is used in media and sales all the time but rarely used in conversation. It’s the best way to find more out about a girl without getting into the boring “interviewer” mode and making them uncomfortable.

What to say to get out of the awkward silence situation and 3 SPECIFIC TOPICS you must talk about in order for her to want to see you again.

Ways to respond to boring questions like “what do you do”, “where are you from” that make you come across as interesting and attractive.

You’ll learn the No.1 mistake that I’ve seen pretty much EVERY guy makes, me included that you think is creating good conversation but causes women to close up and talk about themselves less.

Best places to go on a date that automatically create endless conversation and take the pressure off conversation.

How to AVOID falling into the friends zone trap by being TOO good at conversation.

Fun conversational games you can employ at any time to excite her and instantly get her laughing.

AND you’ll see all of the techniques demonstrated on our lovely Daygame girls Emma so you can see how all of them apply in real conversation.
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