Build iPhone Apps using Dreamweaver CS6 and Xcode combined

Build iPhone Apps using Dreamweaver CS6 and Xcode combined

Build iPhone Apps using Dreamweaver CS6 and Xcode combined

Build iPhone Apps using Dreamweaver CS6 and Xcode combined

Course Description

This course is about on using any existent beginners knowledge of html and css to build native iPhone apps.

We will be doing it from scratch up to the point where you are ready to start the process of sending your app to the App Store.

I will show you that you can build native apps for iphone easier than you can imagine just by using Dreamweaver, some web development tools and few lines of Objective-C.

It will take you about 6 hours to complete this course on “learn by watching” method.

I will be showing you how to organize your self, how to plane your work and normal possible problems and mistakes a long the way.

Don’t waste your existent knowledge thinking that iPhone apps are hard to build. Use it to jump to the future in an easier way, and get started now and today.

What are the requirements?

This course requires an Apple Macintosh computer able to run Dreamweaver and Xcode.
What am I going to get from this course?

Over 28 lectures and 3.5 hours of content!
You will be able to build native iPhone Apps like you build a simple webpage.
What is the target audience?

You should be familiar with html and css. No programming experience is required.

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