Brendon Burchard – Achievement Accelerator, Motivation Manifesto, Business Accelerator and Influence

Brendon Burchard – Achievement Accelerator, Motivation Manifesto, Business Accelerator and Influence

[GB] Brendon Burchard – Achievement Accelerator, Motivation Manifesto, Business Accelerator and Influence

[GB] Brendon Burchard – Achievement Accelerator, Motivation Manifesto, Business Accelerator and Influence

Cost: $997
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Brendon Burchard


Brendon Burchard is one of the most followed personal development trainers of our time, and one of the Top 100 Most Followed Public Figures on Facebook. He is a #1 New York Times bestselling author whose books include The Charge, The Millionaire Messenger, and Life’s Golden Ticket. He is the founder of High Performance Academy, the legendary personal development program for achievers, and Experts Academy, the world’s most comprehensive marketing training for authors, speakers, coaches, and online thought leaders. He is the executive producer of The Charged Life, a motivational podcast that debuted as the #1 podcast in the world on iTunes across all categories. Brendon’s YouTube show is currently the most watched self-help show on the web, and his videos, newsletters, posts, and appearances now inspire over 9 million people per week around the globe. For these works, Larry King calls him “one of the top motivation and marketing trainers in the world.” Visit:

The Motivation Manifesto: Advanced Course

Product 1 – The Motivation Manifesto Advanced Course – $29

The world’s leading motivation and high performance trainer reveals 9 strategies for reclaiming your personal power, achieving your goals, and creating a life of freedom and greatness.

Get the mp3s downloads, presentation guides, and bonus activity worksheets and discussion guides for 12-week Motivation Manifesto Online course. Plus, get exclusive updates on the book launch from Brendon.

The Influence Course

Product 2 – The Influence Course- $197

How to think like the worlds top negotiators. How to think like the worlds top Marketers and pursuaders and speakers. How to understand all the critical things you need to do to make a difference in impacting other people

Video content includes:

Why People Fail at Influence, Part I

Why People Fail at Influence, Part II

Mastering Context & Rewards, Part I

Mastering Context & Rewards, Part I

The Ultimate Influence Model

The Influence Intention

Mass Influence 

The Business Accelerator

Product 3 – The Business Accelerator- $297

Accelerating your Business Growth! Understand the best strategies and tools and 10x thinking that is needed for you to go to a whole new level. Shares advice that he has given to Fortune 500 CEOs

Video content includes:

Customer Outcome and Lifestyle Planning

Revenue Drivers

Promotional Strategy

Sales Messaging



The Achievement Accelerator

Product 4- The Achievement Accelerator- $497

The Achievement Accelerator is a 5-week, online advanced personal development and self-mastery program, led by legendary high performance trainer Brendon Burchard. The program includes 5-weeks of advanced video training and 12 months of ongoing training,

Week 1: The 10x Accelerator – 10 Stepes for Achieving Anything 10x Faster

Week 2: The Quickening – The Purpose map. The Opportunity Evaluator

Week 3: The Self Amplifier – Reprogramming your mind for Strength and Success. Self Mastery Toolkit. Fear Destroyer

Week 4: The Synergiser – The Social Intelligence Booster. The Pursuation Booster. The Influence Model. The Leadership Blueprint

Week 5: The Supercharger – Destroying Doubt and Distraction. How to Learn Faster. HOw to get to Anyone. 10 Skills for Lifelong Momentum


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