Body of a Spartan by Victor pride

Body of a Spartan by Victor pride

Body of a Spartan by Victor pride

FROM: Victor Pride

Dear Friends,

How would you like to get into ultimate shape without using drugs or dieting endlessly?

Would you like your arms, chest, shoulders and abdominals to feel hard instead of flabby?

Today I want share with you a surefire, tested, tried and true method for getting into top-notch shape the old fashioned, Spartan way.

Before I do that, I want to tell you a little story. One day I was looking in the mirror and I had my shirt off. I flexed my arm and my biceps were the exact same size as my wrists and my forearms.

I was 130 lbs soaking wet at a height of 6’1. I had NO muscle at all and even worse I was fat! Skinny-fat!

I joined a local gym and started reading all the bodybuilding magazines and websites I could get my hands on, devouring all the information.

I bought all the protein powders and supplements and religiously followed the routines and diets laid out in the magazines.

And where did I get on those routines? NOWHERE!

Almost no muscle tone to show for it. It took me a long time, too long, to realize that all the bodybuilding magazines and websites weren’t telling the truth.

Today, I want to tell you that the truth about natural weight training and bodybuilding has been brilliantly hidden by the supplement industry and it’s paid cast of steroid users.

I feel that this information is essential to bring this to your attention so you can stop wasting your time with bad advice and lies by the “fitness experts”.

The information I’m about to reveal to you, has been hidden from the general public and I’ve seen and experienced a lot of suffering as a result.

Guys who go to the gym and follow the bodybuilding magazines routines and diets and get nothing but FAT to show for it. No more. I refuse to silently stand in the sidelines, watching people get hurt.

Helping out the other guys who have been lied to is the right thing to do.

…Back to the purpose of this letter…

I have been working out and lifting weights since 2006.

When I started out I was 130 lbs soaking wet at a height of 6’1.

I have seen it all and made all of the mistakes that all new gym goers make.

Through it all I have been able to put on a rock-solid 60 lbs and be even leaner than before.

It took me years to get past all the lies that we have all been told.

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