Appsumo – Neville Medhora – Kopywriting Kourse

Appsumo - Neville Medhora - Kopywriting Kourse

Appsumo – Neville Medhora – Kopywriting Kourse

After going through this Kopywriting video course, you’ll be using the same mind-hacks and formulas as the professionals to write your own copy.

What this Kourse will teach you:

We are going to completely shift the way you approach sitting down to write (no more “writing-like-a-robot-itis”.  From the moment you get done with the Kourse, you’ll be able to write more interesting and higher-converting Kopy.

We even give you a “Kopywriting Cheat Sheet” which you can follow step-by-step as you sit down to write copy (great for giving to employees or co-workers struggling with their writing).

The 5 biggest takeaways:

First we show you WHY kopy is so damn important.
Many people don’t realize why until we show them.


You’ll learn the mentalities of a good Kopywriter.
A few mind-hacks will totally change the way you write EVERYTHING from now on.  This is counter-intuitive to how most people write.

You’ll be taught the proper formulas to use that will help guide ALL your writing.  With these formulas (and training how to use them) will completely lead you through writing words that follow proven pyschological tactics.

You’ll learn the technical stuff.  This is where we jump into actually sitting down and writing a real letter!
I’ll show you the writing techniques I’ve taught companies and individuals, and till this day still use the same methods (because they work so damn well).

You’ll learn exactly how to start of your pitch every time – and whether you should use video, a blog post, an email, a long form or short form sales letter.

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