Anthony Tilley, Igor Kheifets, Emilis Strimaitis – $10,000 a Month with Solo Ads

Anthony Tilley, Igor Kheifets, Emilis Strimaitis - $10,000 a Month with Solo Ads

Anthony Tilley, Igor Kheifets, Emilis Strimaitis – $10,000 a Month with Solo Ads

Dear Warrior,

Anthony Tilley here from Newport, South Wales, UK.

If you’ve een looking for an easy way to make $10,000.00 or more per month with email marketing… that works for even the greenest of newbies…and requires as little as 2 hours per day to maintain…

Carefully read every word of this thread.

“And Before I Share My Simple 5-Step “Copy-Paste” Formula To $10,000.00 Per Month With You, It’s Very Important To Me That You Know Who I Am & Why I Am Doing This”…

My name is Anthony Tilley and before discovering the simple, almost no-fail system that I’m going to share with you in a few minutes…

I had been struggling for 14 years… trying to make money online using the “traditional” methods that are way past their sell-by date.

After all those years of banging my head against a brick wall and literally spending tens of thousands of dollars attempting to suss out at a system that works…

“…I Finally Stumbled Upon a Bullet-Proof Shortcut To Siphoning Cash On Demand Day-In & Day-Out That Has Nothing To Do With Affiliate Marketing, Clickbank or WSOs”

In Fact I Had 28 People Paying Me Between $200.00 To $600.00 A Month, As Regular As Clock Work!

I am sure you can imagine the freedom and lifestyle this rapid income boost gave me…

– No more nights away in lonely hotels miles apart from my family because of my J.O.B.

– No more asking permission from my annoying boss to visit my kids’ School rugby games during day time

– I was finally able to afford that BMW 520i I always wanted

– For the first time ever I took my whole family to a 5-star holiday vacation

– My wife was ecstatic to find the £1,500.00 Leather Suite in our living room… the same leather suite she thought we could never afford without sinking deeper into credit card debt

– I wake up in the morning and go play golf instead of dreaming about playing it, while sitting, pissed off at my boss and his crap!

All of magnificent change above have come as a result of…

“Selling Solo Ads!”

Here’s exactly what I did:

1) I built a list
2) I offered others a chance to mail offers to my list for a fee
3) I rinse & repeat several times a week

As a result, I quickly became one of the go-to guys for almost every major internet marketer who’s looking for traffic to his/her offers.

This simple process can be easily duplicated by ANYONE regardless of previous experience or skill set and here’s the kicker…

“The Results Are Almost Instant!”

You will be shocked to see how fast you can start pulling in a full time income using this strategy…

Even if you have NEVER made a single penny in your life until now.

And before I delve into details of this guaranteed-to-make-you-money method, I want you to know that…
[img][/img] “…They Warned Me Not To Reveal My Method To You!”

I have had almost every industry insider I talk to warn me not to reveal this simple system to you…

They are afraid that too many people are going to realise that becoming a solo ad seller is like having a licence to print money on demand!

But I don’t care what everyone thinks, because…

Most people will never, left to themselves, make money with my method, not without having the “behind the curtain” strategies I have personally developed by trial and error in the last 24 month…

…While Banking $10,756.31 Per Month

[img][/img] “I could put these images here all day long, but WarriorForum only allows 10 images per wso post…If you want to see more PM me”

You may wonder if this WSO is similar to the bunch of other products you’ve been tricked into buying that lead to buying even more products…

…ending up chasing the shiny object until you realize it’s all a big fat LIE!

I didn’t want this to be anything like those hyped up Clickbank systems that try to upsell you with more stuff as soon as you pull out your credit card.

In fact, I’m confident this will transform your life…

To ensure the superb quality of detailed step-by-step instructions, I sought the help of the WarriorForum’s most legendary solo ad seller and coach, Igor Kheifets, to join me for a “reveal all, no holds barred” workshop…

If you still haven’t heard, Igor has been selling solo ads right here on the WarriorForum since November 16th, 2010.

He has served over 2,000 warriors and made over $470,588 in the last 24 months…..

and today, for a limited time, I am making this unmatched cash siphoning formula available to you…

“…For JUST $19.95!”

You may be pondering…

Why am I doing this? Why am I spilling my close-kept $10,000.00 a month secret to the world’s largest community of hungry internet income seekers…


As you might have noticed, in the last 6 months alone the solo ad demand has far outweighed the supply.

Me & dozens of other sellers aren’t able to deliver the amount of traffic our customers are demanding.

Not to mention, there’s still a number of shady individuals out there who like to scam our customers, take their money and disappear while making us look bad and hurting everyone’s business.

“And That Just Pisses Me Off!”

And that’s why I want “Operation Solo” to Ensure The Future of this industry…

And that’s why I want you to have these secrets (the same closely-guarded secrets I’m using to make $10,000.00 a month):

– My proven in-house formula that adds 1,000 optins every few days to my lists

– The single easiest way to stuff your tiny list with hundreds of new subscribers per day using 100% FREE traffic (works even if your list is embarrassingly small)

– The one best place where all solo buyers hang out… desperately looking for their next traffic hit!

– The specific secrets used by six figure solo sellers that transform tire-kickers into big spenders… resulting in thousands of dollars’ worth of solo profits over a course of a few months!

– An irresistible sales technique that almost guarantees a bulging diary of orders… even if it’s Christmas Day

– My amazing 5-step formula that ensures the most difficult thing you do is count the cash that keeps on magically appearing in your PayPal account non-stop… even when you’re on vacation!

– My personal secret behind quickly flipping my solo business and living off the money I made for months while chilling out on a Greek Island with my family…

“I Don’t Think I’ve EVER Seen An Online Business Model That Can Earn So Much Money, So Quickly, So Consistently With No Skills, Experience Or “Hard Work” Required!”

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