$4710 In FOUR DAYS From Rik’s Guide! …Every Single Warrior Should Have This. PERIOD!!” – TykeRulz – $11.76

Dennis Becker – 500 Bucks a Month

$4710 In FOUR DAYS From Rik’s Guide! …Every Single Warrior Should Have This. PERIOD!!” – TykeRulz – $11.76

$4710 In FOUR DAYS From Rik’s Guide! …Every Single Warrior Should Have This. PERIOD!!” – TykeRulz – $11.76

Secret Six-Figure “Addictive Writing” Brings In Multiple-Millions Of Dollars Online From 2013-Till Present,

And Works For ANY Market.


“The LAST Way Left To Come Across As TOTALLY UNIQUE To Your Email List, And OUT-SELL Competitors With Bigger Lists In An Over-Saturated Market”



Originally Posted by TykeRulz

“$4710 in friggin FOUR DAYS from Rik’s guide!!!!!“

When I write testimonials for someone (and this happens very rarely), it would be in either of two circumstance: If their products were insanely bad….. or if I actually made money with their products.

And I am here to say not only does Rik’s guide fall very very firmly in the latter category, it’s a f***ing GAME CHANGER!!!!!!!!

Here’s the scoop…. I created two email lists from Facebook… one was from a private group dealing in Forex and the other deals with relationship niche. Anyway the first is exactly 832 subs and the second list is 1032. I created these two lists over two weeks, but my results were nothing to write home about after I kept sending them the emails that I did.

So I was searching for a good course on email marketing and I drawn in by Rik’s awesome copy and bought it four days ago. Boy am I glad I did!

Long story short, I did not change from Aweber like he suggested (too lazy lol But I will be doing it later in the month) and wrote emails exactly like he teaches how to do it.

Over the last 4 days, in the Forex one, I made $3940 in sales and only JUST began writing to the relationship one, and have already made $770! That’s $4710 in friggin FOUR DAYS from Rik’s guide!!!!! BTW… Before getting the course, I made only a couple of sales from the Forex list and a total of 4 sales from the relationship one. Those were 6 sales over a period of two weeks…. So to go from that number over a two week period to the amount I sold in four days has made me a believer for ever.

I cant recomment this guide highly enough. Bottom line is every single warrior should have this. PERIOD!!!!


Originally Posted by jgant

“One of the best on email marketing… It’s practically plug and play.“

Great guide. One of the best on email marketing. Super detailed… Just follow along. I love the fact Rick lays out exactly what he does with examples. It’s practically plug and play.

The best part is the examples are in non make money online niches which make up the lion’s share of my business.

Thanks for such a thorough and easy-to-to follow guide.



Originally Posted by jgant

“…your money’s worth many times over..“

I bought this and read the whole report. It’s definitely worth a lot more than the low WSO price and it’s good to see a product that will work for any niche.

I especially liked Thought #3 which gives a very workable way around how to email your subscribers something new every day for the next year even though there are probably only a handful of actual “tips” you can share – I’ve hit this block in several markets (there’s maybe 5 main ways to meditate and once you’ve covered each of them from a few different angles, it gets repetitive) and this overcomes that problem completely.

So if you only use that one idea from page 54 you’ll have got your money’s worth many times over.

And there’s plenty more in this report to get you earning money from your subscribers without burning them or you out

PLEASE NOTE: Price Increases To $27 In 48-Hours! HURRY And Get Your Copy At The Cheapest Low Price Of Just…

From the e-Desk of Riccardo Gueli,

Re: 15 Personally Targeted Niches And 100s Of Clients’ Campaigns Went In the Making Of This 67-Page PDF

Dear Colleague,

Something magical begins to happen as you start implementing what I teach you in my groundbreaking 67-page report…

First, you will see a noticeable rise in the number of “Notification Of Payment Received” emails from PayPal.

You think it’s just a fluke… that you got “lucky”, and will have down-days ahead.

You wake up the next day, only to find out that the number of notifications are STILL on the rise.

Before long, you go from making just a few sales per day, to half-a dozen… then a dozen…

$50s per day turn into $100s… Then to daily $200s… then $300s…

So curiously, you go to your autoresponder stats to check your email open-rates.

You discover that my suggestions for email titles and unique “Addictive Email Writing” methods are beginning to work like gangbusters… REGARDLESS of your niche: Your open rates have effortlessly SKYROCKETED.

Slowly, right before your very eyes, it will feel as it the dreams that seemed distant or impossible in the past, are now suddenly posing the question “when do we start?” loud and clear in your head.

The promises you’ve been making to yourself and others that you couldn’t yet keep…

That car you’ve been wanting so badly to buy…

That pesky bill you’ve been waiting so long to pay…

The ripped, athletic body you’ve been meaning to start carving…

The prospect of showing off to family, taking loved ones on a holiday, traveling, doing what you want, when you want…

“It’s An Amazing Experience, When You First Feel Distant Goals Becoming SO Much More Doable, Right Before Your Very Eyes!“

Inevitable experiences like the above after implementing what I tell you in my 67-page manual aren’t strange at all, or a pipe’s dream.

They are the result of a milestone in your career I call:

“Email List Addiction”

Pretty soon, you realize you don’t have to work NEARLY as hard for Fresh Traffic anymore!

And when you do it, you’ll do it from a place of certainty and confidence.

There is a line from Under Siege 2 that says: “Assumption is the mother of all f***-ups!”

Traffic generation (or any business-related activity) is no different.

My 67-page PDF is your cure from leading a business-life filled with “hopeful” assumptions that inevitably preceded disappointments and heartbreaks.

Intead, when you do your PPV campaigns, PPC campaigns, Facebook ads, YouTube videos, Joint Ventures, SEO… anything traffic related, you will practically taste certain success!

You will do all that knowing that combined with my techniques for generating “Email Addiction” in your subscribers, success is inevitable.

You’ll quickly be on the FAST LANE towards…

Making Six-Figures BEFORE This Year Is Over!

Yes, lists that are barely 500 subscribers small that bring in 6 figures per year for their owners really DO exist.

I’m proud to report that I’ve reverse-engineered their methods, and with your permission, I want to prove this to you.

I am going to teach you EXACTLY how to achieve the above like I have for my own projects and hundreds of clients over the years.

(Though I did mention 2013-till-Present; it’s only in the last year that I fully perfected this method of email marketing and am finally prepared to teach you).

You are about to learn things $997 courses SHOULD teach you about email marketing, but DON’T…

Things like:

“The Anatomy Of An Addictive Email” – Include these FIVE consecutive parts into every email you write, in the order I tell you, and failure to write addictive emails will be virtually impossible, even if you can’t write well…

The NEAR-FREE Autoresponder That OUT-DELIVERS Aweber, GetResponse, iContact, and all the other expensive ones COMBINED (worth the entire price of the report many times over!)

The Landing Page presentation secret I use that routinely gives me opt-in conversion rates between 60% and as high as 82% (No, you don’t need a slick landing page design, a video, or a long-winded list of “expertly written” bullet points).

Why sending this ONE email to your subscribers can mean the difference between an “Addicted List” and a “Dying List” (PSSST: you only have ONE chance at this, ever)…

“Here’s your free gift”: Why making THIS the first email you send your subscribers is a HUGE mistake, and what to do instead that increases profits by up to 600% (And have your subscribers LOVE you for it)!

The “Free Gift” Myth, and the difference between providing “Value” and providing “Contexual Value” (It’s the difference between an aloof list that ignores you, and a happy list that makes you money round the clock).

“Wasting Time For Fun And Profit”:: Here’s how you can continue procrastinating and wasting time browsing the internet, and STILL come up with inspired ideas that set you apart from your competitors in ANY niche!

The EXACT number of emails to send to your email list to keep them interested, stimulated and credit card-ready. They say “every niche is different”. I say BALONEY! 15 of my own VERY different niches, and hundreds of client niches reveals the number that works EVERY time…

The exact (and surprisingly EASY) planning strategy that makes your readers excitedly anticipate your next email, even if it is NOT an email series for a “product launch sequence” (works powerfully for ANY type of email you send)…

How to make a product sound deficient and even “bad”, and yet sell more copies of it than your competitors do with their hyped up emails (I’ve never seen this taught ANYWHERE, at any price).

And so much more!

“A Six Figure Invitation Usually Priced At $37, Now Yours For Only…”

I am SO confident that you’ll find information here that is shared absolutely no where else, for ANY price, that I am willing to give you my…

“LOVE IT, Or I Will Buy It Back From You”

365-Day Money Back Guarantee!


You have absolutely nothing to lose.

If, within 365 days you are NOT happy with the results my ground-breaking PDF will make possible for you, simply email me and I will issue a FULL refund, no questions asked!

I am THANK confident in what my report can do for you!

So, now you have TWO choices.

CHOICE 1: You can pass this offer by, and continue to…

Stress over why all that traffic you are working SO HARD to generate from YouTube Marketing, SEO, Blogging, Facebook, PPV, PPC, Banner Ads and and other PAID and “FREE” forms of advertisement are returning dismal ROI…

Jump from one BSO to another hoping it is going to FINALLY give you that elusive “magic bullet” to financial security that you know deep down can ONLY exist through SMART work…

Continue to DREAD sending that next email, because the email list you’ve worked SO HARD to build has joined a long line of other “dying” email lists that are yielding piss-poor response from incorrect marketing…

MISS OUT on this offer when I remove it from this thread and replace it with a big, fat “CLOSED!” to make it part of a bigger, more expensive marketing course…



“Never Suffer From “Low ROI Anxiety” (Regardless Of Your Niche) EVER Again!”

PLEASE NOTE: Price Increases To $27 In 48-Hours! HURRY And Get Your Copy At The Cheapest Low Price Of Just…

There you have it, Warriors. The path is still paved wide open, and I will wait for you on the inside.

All my VERY best to you.

At Your Future’s Service,

Riccardo “Rik” Gueli

Sales Page: http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-special-offers/943337-4710-four-days-riks-guide-every-single-warrior-should-have-period-tykerulz.html

Download Files Size: 1.5MB

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