Zack Harris – The Niche Marketing Strategy

Zack Harris - The Niche Marketing Strategy

Zack Harris - The Niche Marketing Strategy

Zack Harris – The Niche Marketing Strategy

An important niche marketing technique is to get new content on your web site. Once your web site is ranked by the search engines, any kind of subsequent web crawls will look for refreshing material. If your web page has not been updated in a while, your ranking will drop. The meaning of a “while” varies from search engine to search engine, but it’s best to not let an update go greater than a week. The best way to keep the information completely new and refreshing is to publish an article or two on your web page relating to your niche. It may be “how to” or perhaps a “not what to do” post. Make sure the key words used are highly relevant to your niche. Feature hyperlinks on your web site to various other articles of webpages concentrating on the same subject material. Just make sure the additional web site isn’t a competing web page. Vist the link inside the slides to discover for free a simple system for uncovering the hottest niche markets online!
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